
Starting my own business?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to start a shelter for the homeless can anyone tell me how to get started?




  1. First thing you should ever do when settin up a business is market research. Get this done as it will need to be in your business plan.

    To start something like this you'll need a lot of funding. You also need to consider things like insurance, qualifications, accounts. If you already have an accountant discuss this with them as you'll need a very good business plan to get your backing if you don't have the funds yourself. Most banks also have information on what they're looking for in a business plan, I know that barclays have a package they will post out to you, including a cd rom and things, other banks probably have the same sort of thing.

    I would also suggest some work experience if you haven't already got any. Start working within a shelter so you know how they run and what needs to be adhered to.

    You need to start thinking about what sort of equipment you'll need, this will be factored into your business plan. if you're going to want paid staff you also need to think about their wages, if you'll be using volunteers you need to think about advertising and getting people on board. Also start looking for suitable buildings, the cost needs to be in your business plan.

    Also marketing, getting your business out there and known by everyone who may need it.

    Also look into how to get it set up as a charity if that's what you want to do.

    Everything needs to go into the business plan! If you haven't covered all bases you'll be laughed out of the bank as chances are you'll need a fair bit of money.

    Remember, you may want to be there for people and help them, but it is still a business, run it as such or it'll fail.

    Lots of luck

  2. start with a business plan....if it's not successful on paper first theres a good chance it won't be in reality.

  3. You will encounter enormous hurdles with regard to the permit to  operate. My suggestion is to work in an existing shelter and bring your skills and ideas.

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