
Starting out in boxing?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys im 19 almost 20 and i think only now i want to get into boxing. let me ask you guys do boxers get hot *** chicks? and also before i join a gym how can i make my knuckles stronger and my hands quicker




  1. if you are going into boxing b/c you think it will help you get laid then don't go b/c you will only end up quitting or eventually get knocked out

  2. I didn't get into boxing until I was 28, and before that I managed to date then marry someone who was really hot and now a great wife and mother!  Point being, boxing and women are really two different worlds entirely.

    When I was alot younger, I didn't realize that the secret to getting women is 1)Talking to them and 2)Treating them right.  Seriously, it sounds simple, but so many guys (myself included when I was younger) don't really understand that.  Analogy in the business world:  the most successful products are those that are marketed well AND are inherently a quality product.  Similarly, you have to be a good product (not a psycho alcoholic wife beating jerk) and you have to talk to women (so you have a chance to meet them in the first place).  After that, you gain confidence, and the rest falls into place.  So learn the art of small talk, be yourself, and introduce yourself to people (women), and you will meet women.  Once you meet one, treat her right.  That doesn't mean you are weak--the opposite.  It means you are confident enough that you don't have to b.s. her by acting are just yourself.  Strong, but respectful of her and others.  

    And the "strong" part is where boxing comes in.  That will give you more self confidence and will help you with self defense and defense of those with you.  That doesn't mean you go out and try to kick *** on the streets and in the bars!  That is not the right reason to get into boxing.  The most serious fighters I know (pro/competition fighters) are extremely nice and respectful, and yet could quickly knock out or injure someone being aggressive with them on the street or in a bar.

    So, the key to getting women is NOT boxing!!!  But boxing is an extremely rewarding and fun activity to get into.  Just find a gym that has a good atmosphere and also has instructors that have competed and fighters who compete (although you never have to if you don't want to.)  Instructors and other members in the gym will answer any of your questions and teach you from day one.

    Good luck!

  3. logically, you will get hot chicks because you will be in better shape and look better, but the key to the ladies is money, how many geeky computer nerd-bussiness owners have you seen with fly women? most women view agressive fighter-types like boxers as piggish and one-dimensional, but you will still get hot women, as for your hands get a bucket of rice and squeeze it until your hands are tired 1-3 times daily, will increase your hand muscle and decrease chance of injury, hand speed is natural, so just dont increase arm muscle mass (big arms arent what you need to punch hard, big legs are the key) or that will slow you down

  4. use some of those hand squeezers or what ever the h**l you call them.  I broke my hand and i can tell you that you do not want to do that and punch a punching bag alot and use 16 oz gloves.  you can use those bungee type things with handles and you should be good.

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