I'm a girl and I went to a small boarding high school. I've hooked up with one guy before, I know that's pathetic. Sometimes people tell me I'm beautiful but I don't think so, it's mostly about my body (tall, thin). People do say I look 'innocent.' Sometimes I can be shy around guys or even girls I meet for this reason, I'm pretty complicated in that respect. However I do think I have a really good personality. Can anyone give me some good advice, besides 'being myself,' that will help me get a new start to make new impressions in college? (It's a big college where supposedly a lot of the guys are g*y, and the location will make it hard to meet people, so it's important to become friends with those who I do meet, unlike the small community/family of my H/S.)
I don't want people to look past me. I want to be someone people invite everywhere and want to know and meet. Thanks...