
Starting sixth grade at oldham county middle school?

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Ok so I am starting sixth grade tomorrow and I am really scared. I have a few worries picked out. 1. I have a schedule but when I got it a teacher told me it had a lot of mistakes. i am worried that my last class is a mistake because my map says it is a sixth grade room and i dont want to go to the wrong classes. 2. I have all the supplies on my list but the list doesnt tell you what supplies to bring to each class. we arent supposed to bring backpacks into class so i cant just do that and see what i need. 3. We have 4 minutes between classes and at a meeting the principal said we might not have time to go to our lockers or get a drink or anything but we will have time to go from class to class. if i cant bring my backpack to my classes then how will i have the right supples for each class?

If you could please help me it would be greatly appriciated. If you are actually going to Oldham County Middle School as a sixth grader or you are a teacher there it would be even more helpful but any help will do.

thank you so much!




  1. Okay first, relax. usually on the first day you dont do anything but go over things. and on my first day we went to our classes, but we only jsut met the teachers ad went over what we needed and stuff.  

    Also, depending on the supplies you need, you'll prolly need everything for each class. Unless, the item pertains to a certain class, like if you need a calculator, you prolly wont need that for like social studies.

    Lastly, you will prolly have atleast 1 mintue to go to your locker between classes. if not, then just carry everything with you. put little things in a purse. and carry books and binders.

  2. sixth grade is nothing to be scared of, but at my middle we have 2 classes, a locker break, band or choir or watever, lunch, band choir or what ever, the locker break, and 2 more classes then we leave.

    so take all the supplies you will need for your classes until the next time you know you can get to your locker and so good luck and dont be intimidated

    trust me, they do not bully you in middle school like they show in the movies!

  3. OK, first, what you need to do is take a deep breath and relax. Everybody starts a new school at one point, and the staff at your school are there to help transistion sixth graders in. Don't beafraided to ask your teacher these questions, but I'll try to help the best I can.

    1. What'll probably happen is you'll get pulled out of a few classes to meet with a counseler or an assistant principal to make adjustments to your schedule. You might get some periods switched around, but you'll pretty much have the same teachers.

    2. If your school has an Open House night (where parents meet your teachers, etc.) that's where your teachers will tell you what you'll need for the year. Just start off with the basics like a backpack, pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, a pencil sharpener, and whatever else is on your list.

    3. You won't be able to go to your locker every passing period, so it's a good idea to plan ahead. Figure out which classes are closest to your locker, then make plans to stop there and take what you need and put back things that you don't. You may have to carry one or two text/notebooks, but it's a lot easier if you use your locker, believe me.

    Good luck! I'm going into eighth grade, and I'm one of the kids who helps at the sixth grade orientation at my middle school. It's really not as bad as you let yourself believe, so don't stress out!

  4. First thing is don't worry .. the only trouble you'll have is finding classes since 5th to 6th is a huge change.. go to guidance and ask them to make you a correct schedule.. and about the supplies take them to all your classes.. you'll need a sketch book for art so you can put that in your locker and get it when you have art and you need like a journal for English and protractor/ruler for math and etc..yea you're not aloud to take your backpack into classes .. and 4 minutes is plenty time to get to class.. but the first week they will excuse you for being late and stuff.. since you get a bit lost.. and they wont let you go to your locker between classes.. only in the morning.. and before/after lunch and at the end of the day and about the supplies thing again just carry everything with you in your binder.. whenever you need it just whip it out.. i just got done middle school and I'll be a freshmen in about a week.. but hope i helped you out a bit..  

  5. I'm going into 7th grade, and I think I could help you.

    1. Don't worry! The first day (week?) is always really hectic. A lot of kids know where to go, but most of them don't. You won't get in trouble if you go to the wrong class. Ask the teachers if you have no idea whatsoever where to go. I'm pretty sure your schedule will have the right rooms, though. :)

    2. On the first days, teachers tell you what supplies to bring to each class. On the first day, though, bring a binder, pencil, paper, and any other obvious supplies (calculator for math, p.e. clothes for p.e., etc.). Your teacher will probably have a list on the board of what to bring. :)

    3. You'll definitely make it from class to class! 4 minutes doesn't sound like a lot of time, but it is. In my school, we only have 3! You'll have plenty of time to go to your locker and chat with your friends. Don't waste your time, though. If you have 2 classes where you don't have to bring many supplies, carry them both at the same time so you don't have to stop at your locker. You don't need to take a bookbag from class to class. One word: Neckpain!

    Don't worry about middle school! You'll have so much fun! 6th grade is an awesome grade, and you'll love it! I don't go to Oldham County Middle School (don't even know where it is), but middle school rules basically apply everywhere. Good luck! Have fun in school!


  6. Calm Down! Ok look first day of school b calm took a folder and put a lot paper to last you the entire day. Your schedule don't worry. First you report to homeroom and they give you a new schedule in case of a mistake or different class has been assigned. Dont  pace take you time getting to class cuz you are new and you dont know the school well so the first day is really knowing the school and the rules. You are going to be fine dont worry!! Have a great first day! :-)

  7. "i dont want to go to the wrong classes" Your teacher knows that there is an error in your program and it will be corrected./

    " I have all the supplies on my list but the list doesnt tell you what supplies to bring to each class. we arent supposed to bring backpacks into class so i cant just do that and see what i need" You will know  "during or after teh first day. In the meantime make sure that you bring a notebook, some paper and pencils and pens. You can guess what additional supplies you need to math.

    " I have all the supplies on my list but the list doesnt tell you what supplies to bring to each class. we arent supposed to bring backpacks into class so i cant just do that and see what i need" Answered in the paragraph above.

    Be calm, everything will turn out OK. In just a few days school will be very familiar to you and you will have it all down pat./

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