
Starting solid foods?

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I have a 2 and a half month old son. I'm just wondering from your personal experiences when you started your babies on solids and what was the first thing you tried? and how did it work out for you?




  1. The first thing is rice cereal because its easier on their stomach.  That shouldn't be started until i believe somewhere betweeen 4-6 months.

  2. My last baby was almost seven months. And his first food was avocado. I mashed it up, put it on his tray, and let him play with it. After a few weeks, he became more interested in actually eating it.

  3. 6 months when they start to show interest in what you eat...mashed veggies but only 1 type per week so you know what food gave them a reaction if any.

  4. I have a 4 month old son who has been eating baby food since he was a few days over 2 months old. He started out with rice cereal and then I started giving him the stage on food that says " 1st apples or 1st pears" I gave it to him in the morning and before bed at first. He did well on them. I was told by everyone that he couldn't have baby food until he was at least 4 to 6 months old. My son is a big baby. Not fat, just big. He measures in the 85 percentile on his height and weight. Formula just was not filling him up. He was getting 6 to 7 ounces every 2 to 3 hours and ended up spitting most of it up. Once he started eating jarred baby food he was much happier and a lot less spit up.  

  5. started solid foods around 6 months

    he never ate the whole thing until a week after he tried it. we tried rice cereal and he didn't like it at all then we moved onto applesauce mixed with rice cereal, didn't like that so went to plain applesauce and he made funny sour faces but loved it.

    bananas was second and loved that. went onto more and more fruits.

    started veggies once he got the hang of it and then meats.

  6. rice cereal.  At least that is what I did with my niece and am planning on starting my 13 pound son when he turns 4 month old.  My daughter is still too little.  My niece ate it up, she did rice cereal for about 2 weeks and moved to other cereal (oats) and veggies from there.

  7. We started at 5 1/2 months.  (At that time the recommdnation was to start at '4-6 months'.  For the past 12 years or so, that advice has changed to 'around 6 months.')  We started with rice cereal, and it worked out fine.

    EDIT:  Eating a lot, or gaining weight rapidly is NOT a reason to start solids early .(And neither, for that matter, is gaining slowly/eating 'too little.)

    It's normal for young babies to grow VERY fast at first.  7 pounds in 2 months is higher than average, but it's nowhere near 'too much' ... and since he IS growing fast, he obviously needs to eat a lot to maintain that growth. Giving him cereal will not make him take less formula.  At best, it will do nothing.  At worst, it will simply add MORE calories, and make him gain even faster. (Early solids have been clearly correlated with long-term obesity in babies/children.) If he's hungry, he needs his milk. As much and as often as he wants to eat it.  You will do him no favors by stuffing him with formula this early. (Even if you could get it down him.  2 month old babies can't eat from a spoon, so you'd either have to put it in his bottle, or 'force feed it' (it's possible) from a spoon. Neither of these is recommended or wise.

  8. Both of mine have started on real foods, not pureed foods.  Generally fruit first -whatever is in season.  My first it was mostly pears and bananas and my second its mostly watermelon and papaya.

    My first happily started at just before 7 months and my second barely eats at 9 months -he enjoys a lot of flavours and textures (loves curry and watermelon).  But shows little interest in swallowing and when hungry prefers breastmilk.

    Meat is also very important as it is easiest to digest (unlike cereal) and has usable iron, zinc, protein and fat (again unlike cereals)

    My first is now two and a half and loves all foods.  He generally prefers real food to junk food, he thinks he wants ice cream and cookies (because of Dora).  But when given ice cream and fruit the fruit will disappear and little of the ice cream.  The only junk he really goes nuts on is Popsicles.  However he also eats unreasonable amounts of things like blue berries (whole pints at a time).

  9. I started my son when he was 6 months old.  I started him on rice for 3 weeks and sweet potatoes today!  It has worked very well!

    Oh, we do 1 feeding per day
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