
Starting to believe the Tampa Bay Rays are for real?

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Well, the hot bats of the Rays did it again with a 6 run 9th inning to come from 3 runs down to STOMP the Indians 10-7 with a 3 run walk off home run by Carlos Pena. The doubters will be pouters come October. These guys aren't going to slow down no matter how much the non believers keep hoping (Sox and Yanks fans) *cough-cough*. Before the All Star break all the non believers were saying "yeah right just wait until after the All Star break and watch the Rays fall apart" and now they are saying "yeah right just wait for September". The Sox and Yanks sure look good in the rear view mirror. You band-wagoners better climb aboard now, the wagon is getting full!




  1. starting? u mean believeing in playoff sucess! if you saw how they played the whole season then ull see that ofcourse their for real! yeah they had a 7 game losing streak after the break but they rebounded with a winning streak so where have you been for the past 5 months? there in 1st place most of the season, had the leagues best record for some time and they  have a very good pitching staff+offense is stepping up for a change unlike the rays past seasons

  2. I'll believe it when they clinch a playoff spot. And I really hope they do. But until then, they are good but unproven.

  3. I have been a believer in the Rays since they handled the Red Sox the way they ddi earlier in the year, especially at home. They are going to be tough for either the Red Sox or the Yankees to catch up to.

  4. Really not need to make fun of other fans beacsue they dont believe that rays will do good.

    I will say this if there werent doing good would you be posting this question? ABOUSTLY NOT.

  5. im a marlins fan and i don't pay that much attention to the AL. But i looked at the 9th inning and it was unbelievable. The rays are definitely for real and rays fans better believe it. Hey I believe so too...  

  6. i've been believin.i may not be a fan but they are really good.

  7. well, the Rays are the feel good team this year...and I went to see 2 of the 3 games against detroit last weekend.... and I was appalled. the ref's were blatantly calling BS against the Tigers... AND it didn't help that the Tigers had leads, and then just laid down and didn't do anything.... practically gave the Rays the wins... how about the Tigers DID let them win. I think the Rays are good, but I think it's a conspiracy. The Rays will make the playoffs. especially when you have teams like Detroit just playing dead so they can win...

  8. To be perfectly honest, I'm a Rays fan and I was skeptical (but happy for the season they're having)  I was at the game Sunday when they came back to tie in the ninth, then tie and win in the 10th.  After that game, I became a real believer that these guys are NOT going to fade or choke.  Then this comeback, amazing!!   GO RAYS

  9. They are a good all around team, no doubt but I have to give the edge to the Angels.

    And what's the deal with the fans? they aren't selling out games and they are so quiet that you would think your at the library. Here in Detroit the Tigers are sucking pretty bad but yet they sell out every game, even the weekday day games and the croud roars like it's the world series every game. What gives down there?

  10. yea i little bit

  11. I guarentee the Rays don't make the Play-offs. The Red Sox will win tehe divisions, with the Yankees in the Wild Card. The Rays don't have  a good enough team to continue at the pace they are going at. No one on their team has been in a race, so they will all fall aprat the last month or so and finish in thrid if not fourth int he American League East.

  12. The team yes. Their fan base no.

  13. I'm a Red Sox fan, and I've been telling friends and other doubters in the area all season that the Rays are for real. I'd been pulling for the Devil Rays for years, since they'd been perennial bottom dwellers. Glad to see they're finally on top. The very few ACTUAL fans the team has deserves it.

    I thought the Sox would make it in as a Wild Card team and top the Rays in the playoffs, but without Manny that's a lot less likely...

    EDIT: Hey, toolbag below me, making it to and making it THROUGH the playoffs are two different things... although yeah, I'm not convinced about either.

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