
Starting to get nervous! Baby's comin on Friday!?

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Hi everyone! I am 38 weeks and 5 days with my 1st daughter and I am being induced due to medical issues on Friday. I am starting to get SOOO nervous! Don't get me wrong I am so very excited, but I guess I am starting to get nervous about a possible C-Section or something going wrong. Also, what are some last minute things that I should be sure to get done? Everything's pretty much ready, but any suggestions?





  1. It's a scary and exciting time for you! Congratulations and good luck (don't worry, I'm scared and excited and I'm only 30wks-my 3rd child).

    Things you should have ready;

    * hospital bag packed (baby clothes, nappies, baby blankets, clothes and pads for you, etc)

    * shopping (groceries and baby needs) so you wont have to worry about going to the shop for a while.

    *you may want to make up some food and freeze it in containers (so you wont have to cook)

  2. Well firstly congratulations! You will be fine your doctors sound very competent and whatever happens they will keep you both safe and sound.get everything ready for hosp and for when you come home! All the very best I will be thinking of you.

  3. I am no where near this time yet. But I stress about coming home to a clean house! LOL. I know it sounds silly...but wouldnt it suck to come home to a messy house?! LOL. I might not ever get the chance to clean it again!

    Good luck and dont stress too much. I am sure everything will be fine!

  4. Make sure your baby's room and clothes are ready.Bring your favorite outfit to the hospital for the baby to come home in.Stop worrying.Instead of thinking about things going wrong,focus on the best things that are going to happen with this child.Make sure you hve some names ready.

  5. Don't be nervous!  It's one of the most important things.  You have to relax.  Be sure to have enough comfy clothes and bath towels ready to go for when you get home from the hospital.  You are not going to feel like doing laundry for the next week.  Maybe plan out what you will be having for dinner.  Anything that is going to make your first week home as easy as possible.  And don't forget to take a big, comfy pillow to the hospital with you.  Hospital pillows suck!

  6. congrats! im sure everything will go fine, just be very flexible and dont get disapointed if everything dosent go according to your vision of how birth will go.

    um like the first person said make some meals that are freezable and freeze them so you have some good food to eat on the first few days home. lazagna is a good one. if all the baby clothes are washed, your and your hubbys clothes are washed you have a nice little stash of diapers so your not running out at midnight in the first few nights id say just go to blockbuster rent some movies and enjoy your last few nights of no baby!

  7. Make a few meals and freeze then so you can eat well and have hubby reheat for you easily. Congrats!

  8. Try and get the best sleep you can with that huge bump and get ready for the plunge... start some positive talk... sounds silly but you can get this baby out and you need to convince yourself of it!

    This is the best journey ever.

  9. girl you are NOT alone! Im 35 weeks prego (1st baby girl as well) and im prolly as nervous as you. just try to relax cause no matter what that baby has to come out some how, and being tense does no good for those muscle working hard when youre pushing. think positive! im trying to do the same but i know my date is still 5 weeks away. if youre religious...pray. I ask God every day to give all the strenght in the world (i wish i could ask him for a miracle but i know thatll never happen! LOL). Remember that God will never have you go through something you cant handle!


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