Well i've got alot of hair on my upper lip and lower, the chins alright not much there but still very very VERY noticeable!
And i have hair on my cheeks too! and its not "bum fluff" because its black! its only noticeable up close but still how can i get rid of it!?!?!?!
I'm 15 and i already asked my mum and she said "NO!, your too young!" but i hate it sooo much, my girlfriend said i'd look like a totally different person with out it, and way better than now!
Also any tips on shaving since i might considering doing it(besides use a razor and shaving cream)?
and i dont want to ask my dad that would just be awkward! i dont really have a relationship with my dad when i can talk to him about anything.
And of course my mums like "it will end up growing faster", im sick of it! Why won't she let me shavee?!!
Heaps of people in year shave and they're my age!