
Starting to work out again, need advise?

by  |  earlier

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I always start out way too hard and cant go back for a while to the gym. What would be a good start workout for me. I'm 5'10'',180 lbs. 38 yrs male. I also know how long before I should start hitting it hard with the weights?




  1. I would start with just walking into the gym.  Get comfortable first, and get familiar with the gym ect.. you dont even have to exercise your first time, just go AT LEAST.

    Then, start out with something light!  10-15 pounds or something.  Just workout with light weights to get comfortable with the routines and exercises.  Then slowly increase your weight.

    Dont wear yourself out!  Start with the basics... chest press, biceps, quads.  Just the major muscles, then start to work your way up.

    good luck bud :)

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