
Starving for 1 week vs Can't sleep for 1 week?

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What's worst between them?




  1. Can't sleep. Mainly because that will throw your apetite off and cause you to hallucanate.

  2. i think that starving would be way worse!

  3. Starving for a week.   I have plenty of stuff to keep me busy while I can't sleep.

  4. I went for 8 days eating only 1 candy bar.   It wasn't fun, but I lived.   Went for 3 days without sleep once, then did something really stupid that nearly got me killed- instead only spent 3 weeks in hospital.

  5. cant sleep for one week.

  6. well start eating jeez dang you are going f****** anerexic god how dumb are you

  7. better starve for 1 week than not sleeping. As long as there is water i think one can survive and better for us since all our body toxins will be cleansed out.

  8. Sleep would be worst.

    I could go without food for longer. Most people can. They just never do. We're addidted you know...haha

    I couldn't go without sleep that long. If you go without sleep too long, you can literally work yourself to death. no joke.

  9. It doesn't reallly matter. In both cases a person will die.

  10. Starving for a week, because you can die.

  11. You have to eat friend because you will definitely collapse and even die without food.

  12. can't sleep... eventually your body will shut down...

  13. well i just had a baby one month ago and i have a two year old on top of that so my sleep is VERY VERY VERY limited....but i would have to say i get more upset about being hungry then i say starving for a week...well you would day after about four days with no water...dehydration...but i would pick starvation

  14. id say sleep, but only if you had water while you were starving, if no water, BIG toss up!

  15. You're body can last for a week without food as long as you have liquids. It cannot last that long without sleep.

    It would be more harmful to lose that much sleep than that much food.

    Sleep nurishes the body in so many other ways than food.

  16. cant sleep for one week! :P lol

  17. Actually, you die quicker of no sleep than of no water.

    Dying from starvation takes a lot longer.

    The longest anyone's gone without sleep is 11 days, the longest without food is 49 days.

  18. Not sleeping. I have gone without eating for 3 days and that was bad enough, but I can't seem to make it past 40 hours without sleep.

  19. both are equally bad, but i believe most people will succumb to their lack of sleep first than their hunger

  20. Can't sleep for a week is far worse.  I could do without the food - a good fast never hurt anyone - but the sleep?  No way.

  21. For me personally, it would be lack of sleep.

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