
State of Origin Eligibility?

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Queensland have three players that were born in Sydney, Greg Inglis, Israel Folau and Sam Thaiday. Many people are angryed bythis saying QLD stole three big talents that couls change NSW. However it isn't know very well that Peter Sterling was atually born in QLD but know ine has complaiend about that.

Should people play for the state they were born in or the state are passionate about.




  1. the eligibilty is where they first started played theirs juniors.then being pick for 1st grade..sterlo first played for wagga in nsw.and selected for parra in 1st he is eligible for nsw not qld.matt rogers of the titans is qld born but played his juniors in qld comp.even though his father is a legend for the blues.he is a maroons this answer your question.

  2. Well they were born in those states but didnt grow up there or become discovered there and this is why.. this is that way... there is nothing NSW can do.. coz they are 3 big names in the QLD origin side... there loss...

  3. The way they run it works for me... you play for the state you play your first game for. Letting players choose on their passion at the time is a flawed system. Players have the choice who they play for, and they make it when they play their first 1st Grade game.

    You also make your choice when you put on the Sky Blue of NSW, or the Crimson, or magenta... meh whatever colour that Qld jersey is.

    If they willingly chose to wear the Qld Jersey, then they aint our players, and we don't want them.

    We don't want it like National selection, where a loser can play for a team cause his great grandmother was from there... so it should stay the way it is.

  4. they should be able to play for whoever they want to

  5. Players play for the state that they first played 1st grade league in as far as I know but I have been wrong before.

  6. Unfortunately they don't get to choose who they play for, they are stuck with the ARL ruling...

    It doesn't matter where you were born, State of Origin is based on where you played your first senior footy.

    Sterlo was born in Toowoomba,  but played in Sydney as a senior.  Likewise with Falau, who played for Norths in Brisbane before running out for the Storm.

    It raises some interesting points though - especially with a lot of NRL clubs having Brisbane feeder clubs...imagine if the next  big thing in league is owned by a Sydney club, but instead of playing in the Toyota Cup for them, they run out for

    Easts in Brisbane, or one of the other feeders... first senior footy then makes them a Queenslander....!

    Complicated huh?  Still, I think by having a rule instead of letting the players decide, it keeps the balance so that one side can't recruit better, so one State doesn't remain dominant for a long period (because all the young blokes with a choice want to play with the stronger State)...

  7. but nsw always winges its not qld club selectors folt that they can see real talent.

  8. It's where they first played senior football.  For example, Steve Rogers played for NSW, but his son Mat played for Qld.

    There's also the point of players from other states.  Bradley Clyde was born in the ACT, but played for NSW

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