
State of emergency in Bangkok.Do I still have to go to work?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It depends.

    I'm studying at Triam Udom and I get 2 days off.

  2. It looked like any other day when I got up this morning. Roads are packed with people headed to their jobs. Yes, you still have to go to work.

  3. With what's going on in Thailand at the minute, I wouldn't be going anywhere. Saw some footage on the box about an hour ago, it's mayhem.

    Call your boss and if he insists on you going to work, tell him to get f@rked.

  4. Yes , you  still  have  to  go  to  work .

    The  People  Against  Democracy  are  centred  on  certain  areas ; if  you  look  at  Bangkok  Post  site , there  is  a  map .

    As  I  understand , A  State  of  Emergency  has  not  been  declared .  The  Army  do  not  want  to  get  involved , cause  street  fighting  and  precipitate  a  coup , that  is  what  the  PAD  are  trying  to  provoke .  If  you  avoid  specific  areas  you  shouldn't  have  any  problem .  

  5. No - stay home - - have fun - not that you would be in danger, but it sounds like you wan a day off

  6. Sorry to bring the bad news but if you not in Thailand then yes you have to go or you could take a sick day.

  7. Does your Boss answer questions here?  If not I would call him not ask such a question on YA.  

    Edit:  So according to Gerald the bars will be open tonight guys.  Don't worry the ladies will be working.

  8. Article 9, paragraph 1 of the State of Emergency decree was exempted, which is the paragraph that prohibits people from leaving their house to enable people to go to work. Maybe your boss didn't read that part, or you can always say that you didn't see that exemption yourself.

  9. Thammasat university at Tha Pra Chan is closed today along with many schools around the area. If you are a farang English teacher, check  with your school otherwise, you lazy bug go to work.

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