
State of the Nation of America?

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Essay on the State of the Nation of America

Written by Demosthenes

This the people require: freedom to do whatever their whim requires of them. This the government requires: the people to do whatever the government require of the populace. This the same require in order to achieve harmony with one another, although they are not aware of such a need: a time and place for the other to live, but not in their specific time and place.

This country of America was once great -- was once great when human nature controlled itself through the guise of holiness. When Americans followed their God, America could not fail. When Americans honored each other’s property and respected their privacy, America was the most respected country on Earth. When The People united to fight to World Wars, and The People united to fight crime and sin, America rose as a world leader in democracy.

In this day and age of passiveness, America has fallen into a state of disrepair and neglect. No longer does this country actively try to solve the problems inside itself. Instead it focuses on saving the world. Admirable, true, but the problems of America have corrupted the efforts of true helpers. As Americans focus more on themselves than on their country and government, America continue to decay. America is dying.

Do Americans wish to see their country overrun by foreigners, picked to the bones by the vultures that sit on the dilapidated scarecrow of America’s once great military?




  1. Wow, that is something.  But, I must agree, when you look at the knowledge the populace has of current affairs (none), and you watch MTV or BETV we see cheapening of American intelligence.  A great breakdown in morality has occured with large sums of money being paid to people who don not deserve it.  Yet the secular progressive see's nothing wrong with the decay of society as long as it does not infringe upon the individuals rights, no matter what it does to the majority.  Yes, America can never be defeated by an outside foe, but will be defeated internally by a destruction of morality, education, and a new type of greed that is tearing down a moral fiber that our founding fathers worked so hard to build.  

    Yes, as Lincoln said, a House divided will fall"

  2. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................i don't think that the military is a dilapidated scarecrow, but whatever floats your boat i guess

  3. Although certain people believe that "this country" is falling apart, it is Locke's professional opinion that this country is simply going through a difficult period in its history. Locke believes that America could never be defeated if it keeps strong leaders at its head.

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