
Statement not a question, if we all stuck together we could fight legislation against us

by  |  earlier

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dont worry what the other guy rides. all that matters is that he gets out there and rides. Im talking about helmet laws. it should be up to us freedom of choice. If you wear one I dont knock your choice. I still wave no matter what you ride or wheather or not you wear protective gear.What a boring world it would be if we all rode the same bike! I only build and ride old school choppers but I ride with guys on sport bikes and dressers.thats it thats my thought




  1. We Ride We Decide  

  2. That's why they have ABATE.

  3. lived in Illinois and in Hawaii, both states no lid laws,,,,CA and FLA have lid laws,,,, i use em to keep the d**n sun off my noggin.....but no, dont like the government telling whats good for me and that i should wear a helmet.

  4. well a helmet works great if you fall off your bike.... dont work much at all if you get hit by a car or they run over you you hit a pole or a wall....  but if you fall off it will keep you from hitting your head.... you know your legs wil lbe broken your arms rip off  chess crusted but your head will look great but for the hat hair.. should be a choice...

  5. >>  Im talking about helmet laws. it should be up to us freedom of choice.

    I would like to agree, because I'm all for freedom of choice.

    But when people with no helmet gets hurt, is it the government (and the municipal hospital) that picks up a large portion of the bill most of the time.  So for that reason, I would have to disagree.

    But you would be OK with that.  Because that is MY CHOICE to disagree with you.


    Good Luck...

  6. I'd rather helmets be mandatory so my insurance is cheaper since i wouldn't be subsidizing helmetless doofuses..

    one thing I would like to see is lane splitting legal in all states

  7. I have to agree. Which is more important? my safety or my freedom? If I lose more freedom because of another law am I really more safe? We're talking about more than just helmet laws here. Seatbelt laws are just as bad. We're talking about the slippery slope that our nation is on. Most people would rather sue themselves rich and have a new law to fix every little thing.  

  8. "your arms rip off chess crusted"  -- now there's good reasons right there.

    Rip off arms and crusted chess.  My God, to what depths of illiteracy have we sunk?

  9. I do agree that it should be a riders choice if he or she wears a helmet or not. I live in N.Y. so I don't have a choice. I lived in N.H. for 3 years and I wore a helmet most of the time but it was nice on those 95 degree days not to have to wear one if you didn't want to.

  10. In Texas we have Motorcycle Rights Organizations (MROs), ABATE, and TMRA-II and some others.  Support yours.  If you have a "Legislative Day" when bikers can speak directly to the law makers in your state capitol, go, do it.  Don't wait for someone else to protect your rights.  

    Some people  will sell you out for cheaper insurance rates.

    I'm not required to wear a helmet in my state, but I choose to do so.  I like it that way.

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