
Statistically, most violent crime occurs in Section 8 housing in the U.S., are you surprised ?

by Guest44896  |  earlier

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Do you live in Section 8 housing?




  1. Section 8 housing is a federal voucher that any landlord can accept as long as the property and residential units are up to code.

    You may be referring to low income housing or also known as subsidized housing. Section 8 is a form of subsidized housing, but it's not limited to that physical unit.

    Many of issues here in America are around finances. It doesn't surprise me that there may be many issues with people living in low income housing, but it's because they don’t have the money for many things, including education.

    Public Education isn't always readily accessible, especially to kids without a lot of money to access other programs or to kids with disabilities.

    Here in my area, if I wasn't homeschooled, I would have been suspended from school or dropped out. It would have been difficult to find a job. Many kids in my area come from poor families and many of them end up uneducated.

  2. NO and NO

  3. No, I don't live in Section 8 housing. But I would guess the violence , most of them not educated.

  4. typical...another "KID" on here co-signing the ignorancepassed down from his ignorant family and friends.

    How about you use your smarta$$ thinking and take it a step further and open and broaden your mind instead of being so narrow-minded to prove a shallow meaningless point to the super - intellect that means absolutely nothing.

  5. No, I'm not the least bit surprised; and I've never lived in Section 8 or any other type of low-income housing.

    However, I used to work with a government agency that provided services to low-income people and, as the person who answered immediately prior to my answer proves, I noticed that many of the low income people that I was working with have poor communication skills and anger management problems that make it unlikely that they can find good jobs. Either of which would make violence more likely, don't you think?

    On the other hand, some of the folks in low-income housing are very good people, some are disabled or elderly, and that would make them easy victims for the angry and violent people who live nearby.

  6. No I do not live in Section 8. I have a friend that works security at a complex. No I am not surprised at all. Is anyone? When you don't have to work to pay rent what else do you do but cause trouble?  

  7. Where is your proof???????????Just because one magazine says it is so don't make it real.  I checked the FBI web site for any such statistics AND GUESS WHAT IT ISN'T THERE.  Where did they get their info from because it don't appear to be accurate to me.

  8. No, not surprised at all.

    American Murder Mystery    

    by Hanna this the AM article?

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