
Statistically goldberg is the best wrestler ever but i think hulk hogan is?

by Guest45117  |  earlier

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so goldberg won 176 matches in a row then lost but holk hogan had the wwe championship for four years who do you think is the better man




  1. Both Hulk Hogan & Goldberg are not the best wrestlers. But to choose who is better between those two I will have to go with Goldberg.  

  2. i like them both but i think undertaker is the best wrestler

  3. Hogan and Goldberg  = Two Of The Worst Wrestlers Of All Time

  4. I dont like both of them when they were in wwe they got overrated so many times  

  5. Everyone knows how GB won his 176 matches cause at that time WCW not wants to show people what and how many moves GB knows (u can count them in u r fingers of one hand)

    Both Hogan and GB are overrated they dont wants new talents get wins over them even HHH (in a million years) jobs some times

    how could u say one of them is better than the others lol

  6. goldberg

    hulk hogan won by getting up after his beatings

  7. None of them are the best, personally HBK was the best and still is the best, only because he gives 110% into every match

  8. Definitely Goldberg, He was "DA MAN", Even though Hulk Hogan was a bigger icon and had more championship, I still think Goldberg was better... Hulk Hogan's finisher was the Leg Drop, Goldberg finisher was the Jack Hammer, Awesome finisher and a lot better then the Leg Drop.

    Hulk Hogan is my of my all time favorite but the reason why he held the WWE Championship for 4 years, was because Vince wanted him to be like Superman, and always win matches, also it was because Hulk Hogan won't job to anyone! and I think that's wrong.

    So i think Goldberg is better. and i wish he stayed in the WWE longer.

    You may agree, you may not, but this is my opinion

  9. Everything about Goldberg was a sham, including his "winning streak" and "fan base." (WCW would pump Goldberg chants through the arena sound system.).

    Honestly, both men are egomaniacs, and both men are overrated wrestlers.  If you're going by kayfabe, though, I'd say through sheer longevity of his career, Hulk Hogan wins this one hands down.  What few real "victories" Goldberg had in his embellished "winning streak" were against the likes of Berlyn, Disco Inferno, Lash LeRoux, and other people who were nothing in WCW.  Hogan has a career chocked full of feuds against big names like Ric Flair, Sting, Roddy Piper, Randy Savage, and The Ultimate Warrior.  Hogan's legacy is much more impressive.

  10. goldberg

    cause hulk hogan is tough but he kept it for four years and bruno samartino kept it for 7 plus hogan won the matches after gettin beaten up

  11. "Statistically, Goldberg is the best wrestler" is one of the most mind-bogglingly stupid things I've ever heard.  There are no "statistics" in a pre-determined sport.  Hulk Hogan is, was, and always has been absolutely abysmal in the ring.  His workrate is non-existent, and I do believe he's the only person who has ever accidentally set their face on fire in the ring.

    I'll NEVER understand why Hulkamania still won't die, but everybody hates John Cena.  John Cena is pushed **EXACTLY** the same way Hulk Hogan was;  down our throats relentlessly while they're also champion for four years straight.  What in the WORLD makes Hulk Hogan so much better?

    And how does holding the belt for four years automatically make Hulk Hogan the best?  Bruno Sammartino had it for eight years.  Bob Backlund had it for five.  h**l, Moolah was women's champion for 28 years.  Even Rockin' Robin held a title longer than Hulk Hogan.  Just what exactly is your logic?

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