
Statistics: What is the sample's population?

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This is probably easy, but I'm having some trouble understanding what the question is asking for.

1. Find a newspaper or magazine article that describes a survey.

a) Identify the sample used in the survey

- I'm assuming this means like "600 voters in 3 states"

b) What is the sample's population


I thought that a "sample" is a portion of the "population". Am I overthinking it?




  1. A sample is a portion of the population.  The question is asking you to describe the population that the sample came from.  So, if the sample  was 600 voters in 3 states, the population would be all registered voters in those 3 states.

  2. a) "survey" is the sample.

    b) sample's population [statistically sample's "size"] is 600.

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