
Statistics prove that women are the greater child abusers why do Father still only get 15% of custody ?

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Facts are not anything feminists like especially if it does not demonstrate some sexist subject or topic they want to exploit through their continued meddling.

Women are the greater child abusers and yet Fathers are always blamed for this and falsely accused just to ensure a positive outcome in divorce cases.

Women are not held accountable when they lie in court. Even falsely accusing someone just for advantage. How come they get away with this ?

Here are the stats on child abuse..

Women murdering children at 32.4% and Fathers at 14.2%.

Now who is the main culprit. Automatically the Father is blamed..

Take a look for yourself. Even here posters are of the mistaken belief that women are nothing more than "nurturers" and "loving"..




  1. Since mothers are the primary care givers of course the statistics, (IF accurate),  would indicate more abuse from them.  Let's see you dig up statistics about the ratio of men to women who sexually abuse children and/or kill them.  And do yourself one better.  Indicate the ethnic group of the prevalent child rapists.  

  2. I don't see any evidence for your allegations.

    Any of them. Its BS.

    You guys have a huge victim complex.

  3. Women can be b*****s sometimes.  And those b*****s get their way more than men.


    and that is actual fact not something from a blog, that can be found in all studies on the topic

    fathers are far more likely to be dead beats

  5. The mother has rights to maternal custody.  Since the mother, statistically, is more nurturing wins custody.

  6. Well dude, to be fair, are these stats to scale? Like, are both percentages based off of a comparison to each other?

    Like the father's % is gained from taking custodial fathers and comparing them against custodial fathers who murder and abuse their children?

    And the mother's % gathered the same way?

    Because its not fair to compare them to each other, since, as you say, dads hardly ever have custody.

    That would be like saying engineers are better at flying airplanes because they crash less planes than pilots.

    Eleanor B: WRONG, if fathers contest custody, we get JOINT non-custodial custody, as in, we get to see our kids 4 days a month.

    Thats hardly anything worth reporting.

    RoVale: You realize most fathers do all of this before they get divorced right?

    The whole "most men dont wanna be fathers" shtick is mildly offensive to be honest. Every father i have ever known in my 25 years on this earth would have given ALOT to get more time with their kids.

    Divorced fathers, that is.

    The reason we dont want a divorce is that we know we wont get to see our kids hardly ever.

    s**y house: WRONG! mothers dont pay their child support when required 50% of the time, whereas only 25% of fathers dont pay.

    The reason more dads are deadbeats is the vast majority of them have child support obligations. See my statement DEFENDING mothers above, the one about engineers flying planes.

  7. Interesting Topic

    I believe logically such statistics would be true because mothers win custody over fathers. So if men became the first choice for the custody of children, the statics probably would be flipped and fathers would be the top murdering parent.  Its not a matter of who are more suitable for caring for the child, its a matter of who is more willing to put their own lives a secondary priority behind the child.  Most women have develope a deep attachment and affection for their children while pregnant.  Most of the time, the connection exists and remains and sometimes women are just not suitable as mothers.  In those few times when the woman is not suitable, the father wins out.  

    I get the feeling you don't like feminists, and although you might be a little too close-minded, you might have a point about fairness.  But its pointless on calling attention to such things because philosophers for centuries have argued about maternity and its entitlements

  8. Where custody is contested, fathers get custody in around 63% of cases.

    If men choose not to contest for custody, that is up to them.  :-)

  9. A couple of facts:

    1. There are a lot more single mothers than fathers. And whether you like it or not, the mom most of the time gets the kids after a divorce due to the unfair favoring of the mother.

    2. There are a lot more house wives than husbands who stay home all day with the kids taking care of them and stuff.

    3. It's mostly women in childcare jobs.

    4. Because the women is raising the kids most of the time, whether that be in a fair case or unfair case, of course the percentage will be higher for the women. That's like saying men have more construction work accidents than women, when most construction workers are men!!!

    5. I think that society should be more encouraging to fathers with children or raising children and to mothers working in careers and stuff so that we have a more balanced society. In the past it was always the dad being the bread winner, mom the housewife. That's not balance. We need balance.

    edit: And yes, I know this court favoring is truly unfair. But hey, so was women having to fight to get into careers/get an education (which they still commonly have to do especially in the Eastern world). I believe in equality, and that means giving fathers an equal chance to kids in divorce. It's rough for a dad trying to get the kids in the divorce courts. We must end that.

  10. First off, I would like to see where that chart is from. Sources are important. Also, as you said, women get custody more often, and are more likely to be single parents. Therefore, women are more likely to be perpetrators exactly because they are doing the parenting, more often, numerically. So instances of child abuse will be higher among women.

    And I don't see where you're getting that the father is automatically blamed. If anything, i see single mothers being blamed for EVERYTHING.

  11. Because in most cases, fathers do not petition to have full custody.

  12. That's because the majority of the time, most men don't want custody. That's why they don't get it in divorces. The fact of the matter is they don't want to have all the full-time responsibilities of parenting. They would rather only have children on weekends and during the summer. That way, they can have their children around part of the time and don't have to worry about getting them up for school, buying clothes for them, taking them to doctors, and having to take time off to care for them when they are sick or injured.

  13. Yea stats are difficult to interpret. But looking at the 63% the poster brought up what that could show is that those males who contested thought they could provide a strong case to win JOINT-CUSTODY.

    So it remains to be shown, how much does the law really favour women? Are these 63% providing such compelling evidence that the judge had to grant custody or were they equally responsible to the mother and still won in 63% of cases?

    I'm guessing the only ones that contest have really strong case or they wouldn't even bother knowing the law's position. But that's just my interpretation of the stats

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