
Stay at Geneva or Head to Lucerne?

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Sometime in Februarury, we should be arriving in Geneva around 16:00 hrs (4 PM). We want to spend 3-4 days in Lucerne. Is it advisable to catch a train from the airport and head to Lucerne on the same night? How safe is it to arrive in Lucerne around 20.00 or 21.00 Hrs? Because I believe it gets dark early in the winters.

OR should we stay overnight in Geneva and head out early morning next day? If yes, please suggest some budget hotel ( which I know is difficult :-))




  1. Hi! Lucerne is definitively a good choice!! Ist is such a beautiful little city! ( I am not only saying this because I live in Brunnen - 30 minutes drive from lucerne ;-) ) Lucerne is not a dangerous city at all so it is no problem if you take the train to Lucerne and arrive at 20.00 or 21.00 The only thing I would hate is, to find a hotel in the evening if you have never been to lucerne before unless you are planning to take a taxi. Check out you can change the language to english on the top of the page on the left. Have a good journey!

  2. My previous friend's answered your questions very well,thank's. The only thing I'd like to adjust is: pls don't be afraid (even at night-time) to travel around in Switzerland. It's very save normaly but nobody can give u a 100% guaranty!

  3. I think it depends how tired you are from your flight. If you have to fly several hours like 7-8 hrs and had been 2-3 hours prior at the a/p I would suggest taking a hotel in Geneva for the first night and proceed the next morning to Lucerne. But If you are young and vigorous then by all means take a train and check into a pre-booked hotel in Lucerne even if its late at night and start your next day already in Lucerne as it would be otherwise a waste of one of your precious 3-4 days.

  4. It's not unsafe to arrive in Lucerne at night, but it's definitely worth taking the train in the daytime. I'd stay overnight in Geneva, or maybe further down Lake Geneva (Lausanne, Montreux) and then plan a nice train ride the next day.

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