I've been staying at home since my oldest was born. I have 2 still at home now...ages 1 1/2 and 2 1/2. I just feel like I'm done...however for economic reasons it actually would cost me money to work because I'd have daycare (225 per week for the youngest 2, then after school care), plus gas, eating out more because I'd be gone later and not as likely to cook etc. it would actually cost me money to work! My husband hardly helps, he does help a little on Sunday, but doesn't help me clean during the week. He doesn't hep with punishment--that's all me, and it's becoming harder and harder not to lose my cool because I'm so tired. I cook every meal starting with breakfast, packing lunches, cooking dinner, I run all the errands, my husband doesn't even make telephone calls I make them all, even his.. On the weekend he sleeps all day Saturday because he's so tired from work (he works about 45 hours a week...not to belittle that but I work a lot more than that), and on Sunday he mows the lawn and helps with laundry, after he sleeps until 10, and eats a huge breakfast. I've tried taking classes both over the net, and at a school at night, but instead of feeling like I have time for myself, I actually feel more stressed because I can't find time to do my homework.
I should mention that my family lives 6 hours away, and his lives further (both sets of our parents moved away right before we got married...), so it isn't like the grandparents ever watch the kids and give us time alone. I have no real friends that are willing/able to watch kids so we don't get babysitters for date night (we haven't been out alone since like our 2nd anniversary).
Has anyone felt this way? Basically trapped? I mean I love my kids don't get me wrong, but I never get any type of a break, and I feel like I'm losing my mind.