
Stay at home Mom of a 3 year old?

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I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on teaching games that will keep my sons attention? He just turned 3 last week, I have videos, flash cars he just gets bored? He is also an only child which I struggle with.




  1. dont pay any mind to the first two lol. even tho the second was cute.

    anyway, watch educational shows, like dora, or diego, or handy manny. or if you want i had a hard time with that myself, i went out and picked up vsmile. it the game system for 3-5 yr olds. as soon as i pick it up and got basically all the age appropriate games he started to play them and loved it. while he is playing maybe give him hints and show him what the shapes, and colors are in the game.

    another way is to break out the colroing books, let him draw and while hes drawing and he picks up a color ask him what that color is. also you take a piece of paper and crayon, and have him look at what your drawing. i would suggest the basic shapes, and then turn them into a picture, of a car or sumthing.

    also the internet, has sum kid friendly websites that u can stick him on with ur supervision, and let him play.

    these are just sum of the things that i used to do. and still do

    read books, and point out the shapes and colors.

    play with him .

    teach him what colors are his toys, and what they are

    and let himwatch educational shows.

    (handy manny, mickey mouse club house, diego, dora, einstiens, and many more, they are on playhouse disney channel)

    hope this helps

  2. He's is young and a boy...most little guys don't want to sit still for cards and games.  It's good to play these with him, maybe at the end of the day after bath & dinner.  During the day he's energetic and ready to run around.  I used to have this one book I'd play with my was very active and I played it inside, in tge back yard at the park, etc.  We would fly like an airplane, raor like a lion, find something small and yellow, or something big and red.  Go for walks and show him all the signs, the stop sign is everywhere and so importnant.  He will learn to spell it, how many sides it has and to stop, look and listen before crossing (while holding your hand).  Your son is at an amazing fun age!!!  Enjoy him and all that he is ready to learn and explore.  Simple gardening is always fun for them as well.

  3. My girl is three and has a relatively short attention span. I do however want her to be introduced to the concept of games. We play Shuts and Ladders, Candy Land, memory card games, spelling flash cards, etc. We play more for the "experience" rather than her actually always following the rules, or finishing the game. We play until she's DONE, then we move on to other things. At this stage, she would much rather be finger painting, swimming, exploring outside, or playing with other kids. As I said, I introduced the board games and card games when she was 1.5- 2 years old just as a way to get her used to the idea of those kinds of activities.

    For the rude people who responded, "why so hostile? Some people simply cannot have another kid. I personally have had three miscarriages in the past 14 months. Be careful what you say to moms with one child. You never know why they only have one child. Why so mean???????????

  4. Have another baby and teach him how to be a big brother!

  5. I don't let me kids watch T.V alot. Usually only those Safety videos. I am creative and usually don't get bored with two 3 year olds and a baby.

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