
Stay at home Moms, now that the children are back in school for another school year, do you...?

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have anything special planned for your free time?

What is it?




  1. Going back to work when my youngest starts kindergarten this year. Don't get me wrong, being able to be a stay at home mom has been awesome, but we need health insurance and my husband is self employed so a private, good, policy is through the roof. ;o(

  2. Well, I'm in the UK, and here children don't go back to school until September, so I have another three weeks of holidays.

    When they do go back to school, I will just carry on as usual, doing a bit of housework, a bit of shopping, taking cups of tea up to my husband in the office, and reading or going on the computer or watching something on TV in my spare time.  And if the weather is still decent my husband and I may be able to get a few more days sailing in before the end of the season.

    I'm not one of these housewives they claim they never have any free time, they all work far too hard in my opinion.  Too much work is bad for you.

  3. My mom usually does some stuff like computer, puzzles, or teach a bit in a university.

    But, she is still very very careful with my littles bros.

  4. Get fall projects done for the yard and house. Catch up on any projects behind on. Maybe do some ebay for extra money.  

  5. Judging by the sheer scope of the paternity fraud epidemic I think SAHM's do more then the laundry or read books when the little one's are at school.

  6. Well, since I have 2 kids that go from 9 to 4 and one that goes from 9 to 12:20 and one who doesn't go at all, it looks like I will be spending my free time driving kids to and from school, feeding the baby, changing diapers, doing laundry, cleaning house, cooking healthy meals, baking, driving kids to soccer practice and games, yard work, canning the veggies from our garden, PTA, planning a 30th b-day party for my husband, making Halloween costumes, and working on Mondays.

    News flash honey, SAHM's that actually take care of their families don't have any free time.

    Edit: Proud, you have A baby. When you spit out 3 more then tell me I am wrong. Until then, zip it.

  7. We home school, so schooling means I am working just a little extra (oldest only pre-school equivalent). Not to mention pregnant with third due December, so no breaks here!  

  8. Writing I love to write.

    Poetry and stories

    I love to read

    Doing my regular work

    coming on here

    watching a bit o' TV.

  9. My baby is not in school, but I do still have free time. Shell is wrong, a good SAHM knows how to make free time. When my baby is school aged, I will homeschool him.

  10. Hala...its been awhile since I sent kids off to school and I always had to work, but even when I was working I was glad to have them off to school and occupied.  I worried a lot less.  I think best was knowing I would come home to a clean house, lol.

  11. Volunteer at the school, yes the aka career women just never have the time to volunteer, but are always the first wanting more done by others. Work out, fix up the house. Do more trading in the stock market.  

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