
Stay at home Moms?

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How much of the housework do you and your Husband share. Is it alright for my husband to expect me to do all the housework and looking after our child cause he "works and I don't"

Just wondering what others do ....




  1. During the week I do everything except for the trash.  I do all laundry also.  However we have a thing that he loads the dishwasher and I unload it.  Thats the only thing he does along with trash during the week.  He works 10-12hrs a day and he works on Sat. so his only day off is Sunday.  I have no prob doing everything since he's working his a** of for me to stay home.  On Sundays we really clean and we do it together.  Normally he'll take the living room and I'll take the kitchen and dining room.

  2. Well, my hubby's a doctor, and so he is gone a lot, but I put him to work in between his naps when he's home. He usually does the dishes, and mows the lawn. And he usually takes the kids on outings. I stay at home more. =] We split it about 60/40. Him being the latter half. Because he's gone all day...and about a week ago, he worked a 34 hour shift, so I was home anyway. lol. if that makes sense. =]


  3. We share the housework duties.  My husband does all the yard work and car maintanance but I have been known to mow the lawn when he is too exhausted from working.  My husband works nights and get off at 8:00 ish in the morning and so on the weekends he lets me sleep in and he takes care of the baby.  We have three kids and the two oldest are pretty self sufficient and they do their own housework chores, such as cleaning their own bathroom and taking care of their bedrooms.  This situation works for us, but I do know a lot of men who expect their wives to do everything.  Talk to yours and set out some guidelines that are important to both of you.  My huband wont dust b/c he hates it so I do all of that.  I hate to take out the garbage, so my hubby and son does that.  We trade off and it works.

  4. We split the housework 60me/40him usually. When I'm pregnant it's more like 80him/20me once I'm 6 months on.(and when the "morning sickness" = all the freaking time sickness is happening).

    It isn't fair for you to do all the work. If he's home he then clocks in at home. You don't have a clock in/clock out time card like he does at work.

  5. Well I mostly do all the work around the house and take care of both our daughters(4 and 1) and currently I am 7 months pregnant...but he does the stuff that I ask him to most of the take the trash out or move something around for me or something like that. Sometimes he whines about it but I remind him that I/like him do the SAME job like him EVERYDAY like him only I DO NOT get paid to do it so if he wants to complain about it then I can go to work after I have this baby and he can stay home and be Mr. Mom...and although he loves his daughters to death he is much happier and sane knowing that he goes to work and I deal with the screaming tantrums all day,so he does get around to doing what I ask. Trust me sweetie it takes a while for this to sink in their thick skulls. You have to repeatedly say something or ASK(unbelievable that we have to ASK them to do something like its gonna kill them to do it anyway) them to do something until they finally do it,or as we came to our agreement it turns into a somewhat heated argument...My hubby didn't understand how stressful it was being a stay at home mom who is expected to also be a free housemaid and cook was until he was off for a week's vacation and I was working and he got a taste of what it was like...he later apologized for the agrument and told me that he was wrong to even doubt that being a stay at home mom was a fulltime commitment...and not just sitting on my butt all day doing nothin.

    I mean come on do they think the house is cleaned and food is there for them when they get home??

    The dern Stay at home Mom fairy???

  6. My husband does his own laundry and does the "man" chores (if it involves a power tool, count me out).  I do the rest.

  7. I think it depends on what kind of hours he works and how much he gets to be home I don' t think that any man should just throw his c**p around wherever he wants and not pick it up though no matter what he does and how much time he spends away from the house my hubby doesn't do much housework here becuase he has to be out of town alot and when he is home he needs to spend that time relaxing and being with me and the kids

  8. I feel that I stay at home and that is my job.  My husband's job is to work outside the home.  He is awesome though.  He is wonderful with our children.  He does the food shopping and he does all the outside work like mowing the lawn and tending to our garden.

  9. You really need to communicate with your husband.  Both need to the household chores.  Both need to have breaks just for yourselves together and individually so you two don't burn out.

    Just because your husband works during the week does not entitle him to sleep in on the weekend when you can't.  You need a break to keep your mental health.  He gets to do something different - he works outside the home.  You do the same thing 24/7.  I recommend that you two talk to your doctor about having breaks and what not having breaks can do to your bodies and minds.  

    I do more around the house than my husband.  He takes care of our son and lets me sleep in on the weekends.  He does what he can and makes sure that I get what I need to keep the place running smoothly.  He asks for reminders on what needs to be done so it can get done and the priority.  He understands that our son keeps me busy so not everything gets done as quickly as I want it to be done.  You might want to write lists on what needs to be done and by whom with a date to be done by.  It works for us.  We even use an erasable month calendar for appointments we keep on the fridge.  My husabnd wants me to leave him post-it notes for him in the mornings so he knows what I need him to do that day.

    Good luck.

  10. I am a full-time student with two kids and do most of the inside housework.  My husband mows the lawn and that is about it.  When he can tell that I am getting overwhelmed, he starts helping by picking up the house.   We have been married for 20 years and this has worked for us.  (my husband works about 12-16 hrs/day)  I feel like he needs rest on weekends, so I don't complain.

  11. I pretty much do everything.  And if he's complaining about me spending too much, I'll go out and spend a little more or I can to to work and have him do half of what I do at home when I work.    Hehe.

  12. I stay at home. My husband works 50+ hours a week, so I don't expect him to help much. When I ask him to help, he does. I try not to, given the fact that I can pretty much do whatever I want whenever I want, but it is hard to keep up a house constantly. I usually only ask for help when we have company over or parties. That just triples my work. I do find it important for my husband to spend time alone with our son at least once a week. He usually does, and that gives me an hour or two to do what I want to do.
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