
Stay at home Moms: time breakdown?

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About what percentage of your child's waking hours do you spend:

A) Playing with or otherwise entertaining your child,

B) Cooking meals and doing other household chores,


C) Doing things that you enjoy by yourself while your child plays independently?

Mention your child's age in your reply. Thanks!




  1. Four kids  12 boy  10 boy  7 girl   2 girl  

    now schools out playing about 20%

    Cooking and stuff about 80%

    enjoy thing for myself after they go to sleep(If it happens).

  2. Anyone answering this question should include being on Yahoo! Answers lol.

    I would answer but I dont have kids.

  3. A) Majority of my day usually 6+ hours easily on the days my husband is working a day shift. (he's on a different shift everday).

    B) Cooking: about an hour or two depending on what I'm making...occasionally i'll make something that requires more time like a roast, or gumbo, ect.

    Household stuff, same an hour or two a day. Most of the time it's just vacuuming and laundry, tidying up a bit. Everything stays fairly clean day to day. Once a week or so, I'll go through and scrub out the tub/shower, doors, base boards..all the stuff that gets "missed" in daily routine.

    C) Maybe 2 hours at most. I bounce back and forth answering on here a couple of questions an hour throughout the day(most days...some days I don't get on until the evening). The kids are asleep by 10 usually, thats when I'll wind down and watch a movie or read a book, e-mail, ect. I wait untill the kids are in bed to best that way for me.

    My kids are 3years8months old, and 7 months old. 15 weeks 4 days pregnant with #3.

  4. my son is 6 months

    a) 40%



    i want to do more of A thnough

  5. I don't play with my daughter nearly enough! I can't get into percentages, but I spend a lot of time cleaning!!

    I hardly have time to get food cooked, laundry done, house cleaned because I have a family of 3. My husband is hardly home and when he is, he makes a mess and never cleans up.

    While my child sleeps/ plays, I usually clean some more, shower (thank goodness!) and go on Yahoo Answers.

    My daughter turns 8 months on Sunday.

  6. I have a almost 2 1/2 year old i spend about 40% playing with her one on one and 30% doing chores and cooking and cleaning and about 30% doing stuff for myself but i usually have her color or play nearby so we have interaction while she is playing.

  7. i spent 90% with my 5 year old . when i cook he there beside me when i clean he his there.we do everthing toghter love my son. i miss him when he goes to school.

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