
Stay at home mom, I am trying to sell somethign on Ebay, and I need an opinion?

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I am trying to make extra cash for our family, and I wanted to start making Customized DVD's for people. I wanted to know if I am charging too much ? Do I have this item listed in the correct category? Thanks for your help! Here is the link




  1. is this a picture DVD or what?

  2. I don't think it will do well.  Almost anyone with a new computer has the program to make these themselves for about $1.  I also agree that people in general won;t want to send pictures of their families to a person on ebay.

  3. You are probably not going to get much business as people don't like sending in pics of their children to strangers. I'm not trying to discourage you or anything but maybe go to the local second hand shop and see if you could find any treasures that would be worth selling. Try garage sales and yard sales, sometimes people sell things that are worth something. People can already do what you are tying to sell at and they don't have to share their pictures. hope this helps.

  4. I do like the idea, but I think it is a little expensive, considering a lot of people could make one themselves. If you do decide to keep the price I'd take off the extra $10 for copies. Also it is nice that you made shipping and handling free...I hate that fee. Also I'd definitely sign up for a pay pal account, most Ebayers use that. Good Luck!

  5. I think 30 is too much. I guess I'd be ready to pay about 20 at most.


  6. That's a good idea, I hope you get some takers. You might also go to the baby boards at places like Cafe Mom and Baby Center and ask them if it's a good idea. You never know,  you might get someone to try it out. Maybe also offer ones for wedding pictures or other events. Never hurts to try.

    Yes do sign up for PayPal, people like to know that they are getting something soon. The idea of filling out and mailing a money order makes most busy people cringe.

    Good luck to you! I'd try it but already do photo editing and vids.

  7. I would charge 19.99 and sign up for paypal. I use ebay all the time and always skip the auctions that don't accept paypal.  Its a saftey issue for both parties to keep anyone from getting sx89ed over.

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