
Stay at home mom vs. working mom?

by Guest64104  |  earlier

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I am having a baby in March and trying to decide what I want to do. My husband is self employed and does not have benefits, so we have always had benefits through my job. I was wondering if it would be worth it to leave my current job and take out a private insurance plan for my family - so I could stay home with the newborn. I don't make any money at all - so, financially, we would be OK on his salary - its just the benefits thing...Also, for working moms out there - do you recommend any career paths or specific places of employment that work with moms in my situation. Thanks so much for the answers!




  1. This will always be a big issue with people who will always fight about it.

    I say it is what works for YOU!

    My hubby is a CPT in the Army, and we get good money along with great benefits. I do not have to work, and chose not to. I want to be at home for the first two years. I personally do not want to miss out on anything in the infant/ toddler years. I was so happy to see my son crawl, walk, and so on for the first time. Plus when I was prego with my first there was a daycare here that got shut down for beating on kids. That gave me one heck of a scare. Not that it happens to all daycares! Plus the cheapest daycare here wants $400 a month. My job pays like $350 every two weeks.................. I would just be working so he could sit in daycare. I would not be making any money to keep really.

    It was best for me not to work, but once they are older/ in school I am working again!

  2. Map out your options now but you should wait til the baby comes to make a final decision.  Anything you decide now is just hypothetical, after the baby comes you'll see the world in a different way.  You may want to stay home indefinitely and you'll have to figure out a way to solve the benefits.  But you may also really want to go back to work, go back out into the world.  Don't let anyone tell you what the right path is, pick the path that works for you and your family.  Congratulations.

  3. Private insurance can be costly, would you be able to pay a few extra hundred a month, plus everything for the baby? I think you should first get different quotes on benifits, and then take your husband montly salary along with the extra costs of the baby (diaper, wipes, formula if used, meds.....) and the extra cost of insurance and see if it can work.  If you can make it work, and still have money left over incase something happens then go for it.  Only you and your husband can figure out whats best for you though.

  4. In my opinion, if you're planning on breastfeeding (which I recommend), then you should stay home with your child. It would be best because childcare for infants are extremely expensive these days.

    There are pros and cons which ever decision you choose. I stayed home with my first child and I loved it, but hated at the same time cause I felt so lonely and depressed cause I didn't have any other moms to communicate with, so it was always me and my child, but I also loved the bond that we have right now. With my second one, right now I'm working full time and I love it and hate it at the same time as well. What I hate about it is that because I'm breastfeeding, I have to pump and it's becoming very discouraging, but I know it's best for my daughter so I do it. I love it cause now I have a social life which makes me feel less depress and more productive, but I miss her soo much and I feel like such a bad mom for mot being there for her whenever she needs or wants me.

    So like I said, there are both the good and the bad, but If your husband can really support the family and you can get health insurance for your baby, I would stay home, the bonding you have is more important than anything in the world and if you can afford to, do it. Plus, it's a chance of a life time!

  5. Heya

    I would love to be a stay at home mum. My boyfriend works and is on a big enough salary for us to be comfortable. Im going to wait until i have my baby then see what i feel like.

    =] x*x

  6. It's probably going to depend on what kind of coverage you can get on private insurance, and how much it will cost. Make sure you talk to your accountant, too, and find out what the impact will be on your taxes. It might be a very good write off and improve your bottom line. Don't forget to take into account any other benefits you get from them- disability, life insurance, 401k. Look at the whole package before you decide.

    Good luck

  7. I'm sure there are ways to get reasonable benefits.  It will likely cost you between $900-$1500 for a family of 3 per month.  

    It's very tough to make it with just one income but, if you can do it ---wonderful!  One thing I would strongly note....take into consideration the new expenses with a baby:  diapers, clothes,etc.  About $100 a month.  **Breastfeed it's the best and it's free. (you can always pump if you go to work)  Then most parents don't realize you have to save between $600 per month since birth to send your child to a public college for 4 years.  $1200 for private --4 years.  Will you be able to save that if you stay home?  Just some things to consider.

    If you determine you can afford it and/or are willing to do it without insurance or saving for college---then that's fine too.  You determine what is right for you.

    I stayed home for 4 years, and I miss it so.  It is so enjoyable.  The real hustle bustle starts when you go to work.  I had to go to work with my 2nd. recommendation would be if your husband is cool with it--stay home.  I would die to be able to do it again.  I never felt stress until I became a working mom ...

  8. Oh, gosh.  I would work just for the benefits (especially (!!) health insurance), but that's just me.

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