
Stay-at-home mommies: what is your day-to-day schedule?

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Hi, i'm a stay at home mom of a toddler (3) and a preschooler (4) and i was just wondering what your day-to-day schedule was exactly. I'd just like to compare mine with yours to see if i'm fulfilling my duties. Here's my schedule:

-Kids wake up around 8:30.

-We read books or watch a show on the couch until 9:30 when they're finally really awake and ready to play.

-We'll then go downstairs and play some make-believe game like animals, kitchen, family, dress up, etc.

-Around 10:50 I leave them to make breakfast which I serve to them around 11:00. They eat their breakfast until 11:30 and they go down to pick up toys while I clean the kitchen.

-Then we all go potty and then we go do something "interesting." We do something interesting every day: take a nature walk, bake something from scratch, go to a plaground, museum, etc.

-When we get home around 1:00 or so I make lunch.

-By 1:30 the 3 year old goes down for a nap and while she's napping the 4 year old has quiet time. We read, watch a movie, or sometimes I just let him play in his bed quietly.

-She wakes up at 4:30 and that's usually our outside time to play.

-We play until 5:50 when they come in and watch me cook I serve dinner around 6-6:15 when their father gets home.

-They eat and we go straight to brushing teeth and pj's and such, and we read stories from 7 to 7:45 and lights out around 7:50 after prayers and goodnights.

Do you have a schedule when you do simmilar things at simmilar times, or do you just play it as it goes, have meals when they'd like, etc. Mine was really specific, but I'd love any quick feedback! Thanks alot!




  1. My daughter Grace is 11 months, nearly 1 year.

    - She wakes up at about 6am.

    - We all get up and me/my husband starts to make breakfast. The other person plays with Grace.

    - We have breakfast about 7am.

    - After breakfast, we get Grace dressed and ready for the day. We get dressed too.

    - Matthew (my husband) then goes to work.

    - About 8:30am, I put do some cleaning etc, while Grace plays with her toys, or watches some TV. My nieces often come round to our place so by this time, they're usually here too.

    - Grace has a nap at about 10am. If my family/friends are over, I'll be with them. If not, I'll relax by reading a book, watch some TV etc.

    - At 12pm, I wake Grace up for lunch. After lunch, we usually go out somewhere. She likes Central Park so we go there often.

    - If we're home, she has a nap at 2:30pm. If we're not at home, she may fall asleep in her stroller but not always.

    - We'll get home around 4pm where I'll put Grace down to play with her toys.

    - She has dinner about 5:15pm. My husband draws her a bath for about 5:30.

    - After her bath, she'll get dressed and then we all sit down to share a story together and talk to our twins (which I'm pregnant with). Grace likes to "talk" to her sisters!

    - She gets put to bed about 6:30pm, but it's sometimes 7pm. Both of us put her to bed and we say a prayer and goodnight.

    Then it starts all over again :)

  2. My opinion... 11 is "snack" time, and breakfast should be served around 9. Children need nutritious food every day, and plenty of it. My son is 2 and has breakfast at 8, snack at 10, lunch at 12, nap, snack after nap, dinner around 6 and bed at 8.  

  3. I will not get a best answer for this because I am not answering your question but let me say sound like an awesome Mom and you are fulfilling your duties.  The world needs more of you.

    Sorry for not being able to help you but I just wanted you to know that there are people without children that think you are OK.

  4. I think 11am is way to late for breakfast. I'm a daycare provider and am on a food program that requires breakfast be served by 9am and that the children are fed at least every 4 hours. It's important their little bodies are well fed and waiting until 11am is not the healthiest for them. My food and sleep schedule is...

    8:30 breakfast

    11:30 lunch

    1:00-3:00 nap/quiet time

    3:30 snack

    6:00 dinner

    8:00 bed

    Everyday the kids play outside, read stories, have free play, color, do arts and crafts, play doh, etc.  

  5. kids wake at 7.30 (1 year old,5 and 6 and half)

    bottle for baby and breakfast for other 2 at about 8

    8.30 brush teeth washed and dressed

    playtime till 9.25 and school run with older 2

    come home start housework baby has nap at 11

    lunch at 12.30 and bottle and some playing and more housework

    2.00 collect 5 yr old

    3.00 back to collect 6 yr old

    snack when we get home

    3.45 start homework

    4.30 baby has short nap while i get dinner ready other kids play

    5.30 ish hubby home and din,clean up and that

    7.00 baby has bath and bottle and in bed by 7.30-7.45

    older kids get p.js on and reading time before bed at 8.30

    its been a bit more laid back over the holidays but this is the usual routine for school time

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