
Stay at home mum needs help with blogger. How can I increase the traffic to a blog or online store?

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Hey guys I am a stay at home mum and I need your help. I have created a blog and open an online store with, but I do not know how to get people to visit my sites.

I wanted to make some extra cash with blogger and this online store, but I am having a hard time with marketing it.

Can someone tell me the best ways to advertise my blog and store?

Can you give me your opinions on the links?






  2. Concerning your blog, you will have to type in your most important keywords within your title tags, url and through out the blog to receive better search engine ranking. You will also want to participate in Blog Carnivals. Do a search on google for Blog Carnivals. It's free and it's a good way to start getting traffic right away.

    As for your estore with zlio, you will be lucky if you make 1 sale. Zlio is almost the same thing as vStore but they add a 2-tier affiliate program with online merchants. Basically you've joined an affiliate program.

    Furthermore, as I mentioned on another Yahoo answer, Zlio provides database driven estores which are no good for search engine indexing. In other words, the search engines will not index your product pages and therefore they will not be found unless you send someone directly to your site and they are looking for those pages.

    Here is the answer I gave the other person on this board concerning estores:

    If you want to have your own genuine online store where you can get paid every day with your own merchant account then you will be much better off building it yourself.

    This is very simple especially when you download a pre-built storefront template from

    With a pre-built template all you need to do is copy and paste the product images and specifications onto the web pages.

    Then simply add a shopping cart program which will be provided by your webhost. provides both affordable and reliable webhosting for as low as $10 per month along with the shopping cart.

    One of the keys to building a successful online store is to build a static estore as opposed to a database driven estore. A static website is when you have a webpage for each product.

    A database driven webstore is when products are pulled up on the fly but from your webstore however those pages won't be indexed by search engines.

    With a static estore, each page will be indexed by the search engines. Search engines love websites with many pages. This also gives you the opportunity to optimize each product page for seo positioning.

    Kind regards,

    Jorge Fernandez

    Start an Online Store

    Start a Computer Reseller Business Online

  3. Hi, there are many different ways, but the latest buzz is Entrecard.

    A lot of bloggers swear by it. It's a totally free service that can generate you hundreds of visitors a day.

    Here is a quick tutorial about entrecard:

  4. try....CRAIGSLIST.COM ~ just post an add for what it is that you're trying to sell & add a link  to your website. I see it all of the time. Also try adding the link to all of your Emails & anything you post anyplace else on the net ~ Best of luck.  

  5. You can get traffic by trying a free traffic exchange service like TrafficSwarm at

    or WebCentreSurf at

    Sign up for StumbleUpon and stumble your time only.  I think if you abuse this you can get caught.  I hear the best way to get lot's of stumbles is to make other SU friends.  Also they have clickable buttons you can place on your website.

    You can try article marketing at an article submission service like and link back to your website in the resource box for your articles.

    You can also comment on popular blogs like John Chow's or Joel Comm's that allow linkbacks to your URL. Do a Yahoo Search.

    Create a video and upload it to YouTube with your URL flashed on the screen. All of these are free.

  6. Hi niksag_3000,

    There are several ways you can get traffic to your website:

    1) Buying Links

    i) The reason for this is to get backlinks to your website so it will be noticeable on the Search Engine. You can buy links at I've used their service before and it was quite good.

    ii) Buy links from website owners which have high targeted traffic to their blog. This technique I used for quite some time now and it works tremendously is by buying (asking) them to link back to your site from the homepage.

    2) Article Marketing

    Write several articles regarding your niche and submit it to Top article directories (you can check out the resource section for the link). Make sure your signature have something to offer for the readers to click on your link.

    3) Online Communities

    i) Social Bookmarking - Use the power of Social Bookmarking sites,,, and so much more. Choose your tag wisely so that people will find your website link and make sure you put an interesting description when you bookmark.

    ii) Social Networking - Sites like allow you to put your website link in the profile, so you better make full use of it. Check out other social network sites that has this functionality.

    iii) Yahoo Answers - Yup, the question you post here is also consider as one of the best online communities website. What you are doing now is posting a question but if you want traffic to your blog, you may want to provide ANSWER to other people regarding your niche.

    iv) Google Groups - You can join several Google Groups that talk about your niche. Be active in the group and try not to spam and sell, instead you need to provide good content for members so that they will trust you even more and hopefully click your link to to your website.

    v) MyBlogLog - MyBlogLog is one of the best blogging community around. Share your interest and knowledge here. You might also want to join other community to gather more exposure. Oh, you need to create a blog for this.

    4) Forum Marketing

    Where else could you find a targeted traffic to your blog other than forum? Join at least 10 good forums that talk about your niche and allow signature after posting (some forums do not allow signature line which is ridiculous). Again, like Article Marketing, make sure your forum signature line is interesting enough that will make people click on it.

    5) Exchanging Links

    This is where you need to use the function of Blogroll. Ask or request the owner of other blog member which talk about the same niche with you, so that they will link back to you. Don't forget you can also do some blog commenting to gather backlinks to your site. Make sure your comment is good enough so that people will trust you and not just by putting your link inside the comment form (this is consider as spam by the way).

    I hope all of these helps. All the best to you.

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