
Stay at home mums. did you ever wish you had gone to work instead?

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I have now been a stay at home mum looking after my kids for 16 yrs! The youngest is 2! I have 4 kids!

I can not say for one minute did I regret not going back to work! Are you happy you stayed at home too?




  1. I have three - I took no-pay leave for a year when I had the first, but I don't think I really had any intention of going back.  I don't remember discussing it with my husband, but we are both of the same mind in this.  And I don't regret it.  Nineteen years later I am actually homeschooling my last one for a while, which was an easier decision as I was at home.  I do some voluntary work, and I am really enjoying the teaching at the moment.  My older children are both doing public exams  right now, and there are often study groups going on on our porch.  I like being able to be involved in their friends' lives like this too.

    I do like the kind of clothes you can dress up in to go out to work in an office, but I am glad that I am a Senior Manager at my home!  (Another title I have heard is "Home  Engineer")

  2. i'm thrilled i was able to stay at home! my kids are both teens now and i see the kind of people they turned out to be and i can only hope it was because i was able to be here.

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  4. I wish sooo much that I could be a stay at home mom :( I have to leave my baby after a year, and any other children I'll have to leave after, what, 6 weeks?? Whatever maternity leave is here :(

  5. I LOVE staying at home with my two children. Before I had my 1st I always said that I would carry on working. But the moment I became a Mum I just knew I wanted to stay at home. Ill go back to work when they are at school.

  6. I have no regrets whatsoever about staying at home and bringing my two sons up, It was the most important job in the world to me. I now have two decent, well adjusted, well-mannered and thoroughly lovely twenty-somethings. My husband and I are very proud of them.

  7. I am truly grateful that I had my children in the 1970s when it was possible to afford to stay at home.  Young mums today are under such pressure to work, both financially and through government pressure.  I don't believe that any child should be separated from their mothers before the age of two because psychology has proven that they suffer from separation anxiety and this has long term adverse effects.

  8. extremely happy.  i had twins and knew i could not afford day care for two (doing what i am accustomed to).  it was easier and more $$ sound for me to stay home.  i would not have changed it for the world.  i enjoyed all the firsts, and all the special moments.  we have made sacrifices so i am able to stay home, and i wouldnt change it for the world.  i wear jeans that are 10 years old,,and drive a car that is 8 years old (paid off too). my husband drives a car that is 13 years old.  we just bought our first house last year, and live on a tight budget.  my kids do not want for the important things, although you would think they have nothing listening to them.  whenever i have brought up getttin a part time job the kids throw fits.  I think for now,,we are just fine and i have no plans to look for a job now or ever.

  9. DEFINATELY!!!!...

    i wouldn't have missed a second of these past 2 1/2  years 4 the world  :)

  10. Yes, I'm happy I'm staying at home (now for 9 years; I have had a toddler or infant during all of that time).  That's not to say that I don't wish there were two of me, one to continue my career and one to stay home (or maybe 3 ... one to vacation full-time, lol), but since that's physically impossible, I'm sure that this was the best choice for me and for my kids.

  11. I  went from working full- time to part time once I had kids, and it was a very good decision. We would only have been paying it out to a babysitter. I loved being home with my children a lot of the time, I got to see every important moment in their lives, and that is so important for a child, and a mother.

  12. hello i went back to work when my son was 6 1/2 months and i hated it so i opted to saty at home and look after my son and he is nearly 2 and i love every minute of it and i wouldnt change it for the world.

  13. yep! so happy!! I've only been doing it for 6 months, but i love it.

  14. no im glad ive been able to stay at home i love it. we have a few hard times with money but we managed i just couldnt imagine leaving them all day when they are young but i will work once they are all in school part time of course

  15. I have 3 kids 12yrs 6yrs and 9 months old and have always been a stay at home mom, I wouldn't have it any other way i love being there to get them ready for school, and i love being the one that picks them up after school.

    I also love watching my son grow, his first smile, word, chuckle I have seen it all.

    No regrets from me.

    I couldn't imagine going to work and missing out on all of that.

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