
Stay-at-homers...what's a typical day involve for you?

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I'm a SAHM to a 7 mo. old and I'm just wondering what other SAHM's with very young ones do throughout a day. What's a typical day like for you, etc. Especially if you only have one child and not a lot of access to a vehicle. When do you and your little one get up, eat, nap, go to bed, etc. What do you eat? What do you play? I'm just looking for ideas, and to see what others do. I recently moved and don't have a very large network of other moms to talk to so any input, tips, etc. is much appreciated! Thanks!




  1. My son is 5 months old. He wakes for the day at 9am. If we have plans for the day we get up and showered, dressed, get him fed and the car packed up. At 11am he goes down for a nap. This is when I get to eat for the first time. In the afternoon we either go out and run errends or we stay home and play. Sometimes we hang out in the house and sometimes we go outside. Dad gets home at 4:15 or so and around 5pm dad puts our son down for a nap. Again he is usually up after about 1.5-2hrs. In the evening we play more, some with dad some with me. 10pm we take a bath if it's needed then we play calmly in bed until 11:30-12 when we go to bed.

    Yesterday we got out a baby sign language dvd and practiced that, we played with toys, and we played with the dogs some.

    I found a great group of moms in my area with yahoo groups and another on

  2. I am a stay at home mommy to my 10 month old. i barely ever have access to a car because my husband uses it for work. my typical day involves:

    my daughter wakes up between 9:30-10:30

    i put her in her high chair with Cheerios and cut up fruit

    she then drinks about half a bottle and plays in her baby Einstein chair while watching noggin so that i can get her chair cleaned up and whatever else i need done. she then takes a nap from about 12-1:30.

    while she is napping i get laundry done and clean whatever needs to be done. when she wakes back up i feed her lunch (cut up hot dogs and peas was yesterdays)then i put her on the floor and let her crawl around and put different toys on the floor. then i get down with her and play with her. at the moment we are working on body parts. she cant say them but she can point to quite a few. every time i change her clothes, bathe her, or change her diaper i constantly sing to her. she loves music. in the afternoon i take her for a walk to the park and swing her on the swings for a little and walk her home. by that time daddy is normally home and he takes over so i can shower. after that i feed her her dinner (whatever we are eating) and she gets her bath directly following. then she plays with both of us on our bed until about 8:30 -9 and she takes another bottle and goes to bed. hope this helps.

  3. I stay at home also with our 7 month old baby boy..we pretty much just play, read, talk to family on the computer via cam, phone, drive places (we have 2 cars though), eat..nap and just do things's so easy with one child...when our baby gets around to crawling and such I think we may join a mommies group or something..

    We have a night time routine but not we just go with the flow :)

  4. Hi! this is what our day is like (also a mom to a 7 month old, although i do have a car, but no good mommy friends, YET. Our routine is starting to get stale, but here it is:

    1. wake up at 7:30ish, feed baby, go on coffee run to starbucks

    2. play

    3. baby naps from 9-10:30

    4. leave for the gym at 10:40. I work out while baby plays in the on-site child care (she loves it! gives her a chance to interact with other babies and big kids).

    5. come home, give baby lunch/bottle, play on the floor and with toys, check emails, do some work around the house -- ie. throw in a load of laundry, wash a bottle, clean the highchair.

    6. baby naps from 1:30-3:30 (sometimes earlier, sometimes later)

    7. feed baby bottle at 3:30

    8. play w/ baby in the house, then run errands -- grocery store, dry cleaner, target, that kind of stuff.

    9. 5:30/6p -- feed her dinner, then let her roll around on the floor/play as i clean up

    10. early evening: go for a walk in the stroller or play in the yard (since it's cooler at the time).

    11. 7pm - start bedtime routine w/ tubby

    12: 7:30/7:45 goes to bed.  

  5. My youngest is 19.  But I had three and was blessed to be able to stay at home. They were the best days of my life.  You will figure out a routine but don't feel pressured.  I read alot of child care books and tried to fit in activities that increased their learning capacity and enjoyment. It would be good if you could have access to some transportation occasionally so you can take little day trips .  And definitely the friendship of other young mothers helps in so many ways if you can get involved in something.

  6. I'm not a SAHM any longer but I was when my child was a baby (birth to 3). I had a schedule by which we would have certain times for certain activities. I.e. cleaning, learning play, arts and crafts, music time, nap time (which I made sure coincided with People's Court) - and meal times and snack times are a given. I tried the playgroups and mommy and me and all that but found - as an older mother - the younger mothers to be just a bit.....silly (they were quite catty to each other)....and while she didn't really have that exposure, my daughter is a hugely social kid.

  7. I just moved too check out " " there should be a stay at home moms group for your area and if your bored and have no car you can always have play dates and other moms to talk to :0)

    My kids are 2 and 3 so, I can't give you much advice on that part since we always have the car and go out all the time :0) I just wanted to tell you about the website it helped me a lot when I first got here and great way to meet other mommys with young ones!

  8. I have a 4 and a half month old and stay at home with him. I do have my own vehicle but don't do a lot of driving unless needed(gas prices are awful right now!).

    He wakes up around 7 AM for a bottle and then we lay in bed for another hour or so cuddling. Then we get up and play until about 10 when he has another bottle. He then naps at 12 for two hours. During that time I do any "chores" that need to be done or take a nap myself. He wakes up around 2 and has a bottle then. Then we go for a walk and have some playtime. He has a bottle around 5 and that's when daddy gets home as well. He and daddy spend some time together cuddling and playing. Then we go on a walk at 7:30, bottle at 8, bath at 8:20 and bedtime at 8:30-8:45.

    As far as what we play there isn't much right now. We sing and dance and he loves laying on his belly outside in the grass(on a blanket).

  9. well i didnt have my daughther yet gonna have her soon hopefully i am due the 21st of the month and idk ihave no vehicle and we do have parks across the street but i hope to find some good things to do i think haha

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