
Stay away from message in a chat entitled Suicide Ideology

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Stay away from message in a chat entitled Suicide Ideology

Chat sites remain the favorite of those technological practice frete email or for online flirting.

Indeed it was in a chat room created for people interested in suicide where he developed his activities Gerald Krein, who has acknowledged that from this forum he convinced at least 20 women to life dusting on February 14, but for now has detected no deaths linked to the case. This American unemployed Oregonians was charged Friday with attempted murder after being arrested.

Krein had at least since 2000, placing ads in chat rooms, looking for women who were willing to commit suicide on Valentine's Day. His objective”was vulnerable, depressed women. He asked them to participate in some type of sexual activity with him and then committed suicide by hanging naked from a pole at home.

"What worries me is that he has been doing this a long time ago. Hopefully not what I achieved, but maybe," said a spokesman for the security forces, who learned of the suicide pact by a woman from Ontario, Canada, who said he saw a message in a chat entitled” Suicide Ideology."

Be very careful if you see any message like this or as matter of fact any other message that asks you to kill yourself. Why do people do that to others?

 Tags: chat, entitled, Ideology, message, stay, suicide


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