
Stay home or go out???....?

by  |  earlier

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Stay home or go out???....?




  1. GO OUT.

    why stay home.

    home is boring.

    whe\n you go out, tons to do, people to see :]]

  2. It depends on my mood. I prefer a nice movie and a glass of wine most of the time. That's if I've been a few dates with that particular lady.

  3. monkey suit! :D

  4. wear pants

  5. go out. ;]  

  6. I prefer to Rida you at home, LoL

  7. If you are young without a husband and family go out.  

  8. Go out. :)

  9. Out out out!

  10. Go out ;)

  11. Are you hitting on me...?

  12. your avatar makes me.... nervous and anxious.

  13. lets go out for a while then come back

  14. Come to my house and let me slide into home.  

  15. go out

    i'd rather go out and have a good time.

  16. Just let me know what time to meet up.

    Always go out if possible!

  17. Go out. XX

  18. i like to balance it it out like if i go somewhere i make sure that im home doing something with family later.

  19. Go out & smoke a blunt. I couldn't possibly do that at home.

  20. stay home

    i dont want to kill anyone with my ugly self  

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