
Stay home or move away for university !!! HELP !!?

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Hi My name is Taylor and Im gr 12 right now

I've applied for a university that is about 4 hours driving time

away from my home and I also applied for a university that is

close to my home.

I cant really decide which one to go to because both have pros and cons. here are some

If I stay home

- no worries about food, house, laundry, etc

- lesser student loans, debt, etc

- a lot of my friends will be there

- have a curfew (sucks ***)

- less independent

If I move away

- more independent (liberty finally)

- no curfew

- more debt

- have to worry about food, laundry, etc

- have some fun at the dorm

-make new friends

plz give me some feedback !! thanx a lot




  1. How mature are you?  Do you think you need your parent's support?  I don't mean financial support I mean support as in helping you with school work and giving you that extra push.  Alot of students when they move away just let go of all responsibilities and you can't do that.  If you think you can handle it out there in the "real world"  move away if you want.  If not stay home.  I'm a college student myself and I live at home.  Staying home is also a good way to save your money up.  Good Luck!

  2. I would say go ahead and live on campus.  Going away to college is one of the big milestones in life.  It will take some adjusting to but once you get there everything is great.  This way you can fully be a part of the university community.

  3. I think it is best for you to be further away from your parents because it will enable you to become more independent while still being within driving distance of your parents in case you need some help.

  4. if you stay think about how independant you would be with only a small loan!! everyone haveing fun will be hella broke!!

    then you can laugh at them

  5. Go to the university 4 hours away for a semester or two-get the idea of "liberty" and "independance" out of your system-then take your butt back home.

    Why rack updebt you dont need to? So you can live in a dorm with a crack addict room mate, gain 15 pounds and have too much s*x?

    Dorm life aint what its cracked up to be, and once you realize that you will come home and kiss your parents.

    i say mooch of them until you at least have your the time ur ready for graduate school you will have all the debt and independence you want right at your feet. dont assume the responsibility just because youre legally an adult. it takes a long time to grow up...dont be in such a rush.

    just my opinion.

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