4 my boyfriends bday, we decided to go down by his family in Oklahoma (we are in Wisconsin). I mentioned that Im planning on us to stay in a hotel and he got upset, he wants to stay w/ his family. I just wanna have my own space that I can sleep good, dont have to worry about using some1 elses shower/bathroom, and can take wutever I need and be able to spread it out. Also, I'm the only white person that will be there, and his family has made references that some of them may not like me, just cuz I am white. Also, the food tastes, & vocabulary & culture are all different. I wanna go to meet them w/ my bf, but I wanna feel like I have somewhere 'safe' to go if I'm really uncomfortable, rather than being in the same house w/ them 24/7 for 4 days. Am I wrong for not wanting to stay w/ his family? He says at least it would be free, but isnt me being comfortable more important? Please help! I need advice, I dont wanna fight about this trip, its supposed to be a great time for us...