
Staying at home on my own for a week?

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I've never stayed on my own at home before.

But my family are going away tomorrow for a week, and I chose to stay at home.

I'm quite worried about getting lonely!

I do have family who live near in case of emergencies but I'm more worried about getting lonely.

Does anyone have any advice?




  1. invite some friends/family over or visit your friends or family. it's only for a week, it'll go quickly!! or you could just chat to your friends online. :]

  2. How old are you? Where are your friends... have someoen sleep over with you or something and you girls can hang out and talk and just have fun. If that fails get online.... people get caught up with time being on here!

  3. dont worry about it, this is your chance to show your parents that you are reliable and independant.

    Whatever you do, dont have a perty- this is your chance to show everyone that u can be trusted.

    you will be okay, get some dvds and goodies and have a brill and relaxing time on ur own x

  4. My advice to you is to not answer anyone's email to this question. You have made yourself a target to predators on the net. I'm not trying to scare you just be truthful. To not be alone or lonely get some books on tape or buy a book and read it. Get into a hobby while they are gone. Make some jewely. Go to the movies with some friends. I would make sure and make contact with my parents in the mornings and at night. I don't know how old you are but you need to be careful while they are gone.  

  5. call your friends

    watch a movie

    surf the net

    bake something

    go for a walk

    basically, just distract yourself & you wont feel lonely.  

  6. well i guess it's PARTY TIME!!!!!

    or just have a friend over to live with you for the week

    you guys can cook together, bake together and have crazy slumber party nights

    trust me it's pretty awesome i've lived in a  house with 8 fifteen year old girls no adults for 8 weeks it'd be awesome

  7. I love it! You can place music as loud as you like, Have some friends over, maybe let them sleep over, Watch what ever TV you want, and you don't get given orders around the house. Key to avoiding loneliness, Invite some friends over and maybe your family nearby. :)

    Hope I Helped! :)


  8. you got us here at Q&A so if you get lonely or bored just get online.  You can look me up i am online all night.

  9. Invite a group of friends over that aren't likely to start a huge party and trash the house?  :P

    When I was a kid and my parents left me alone I always had a different friend over for a sleepover each night as I hated nights alone.  Yes.. I was scared of the dark.  :P

    Orrr.. you always have us yahoo! answers kids to keep you company!  ;)

  10. Myspace.. keeps you busy.. But I wouldn't tell the world that your home alone...

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