
Staying healthy...........???

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I'm asking this in pregnancy parenting section because I'm looking for answers from people with children.

I have a 11 month old, and my husband I work full time. I just looked at pictures of us two years ago and we were so skinny!! What can I do to keep my husband and I healthy while working full time and raising a little one??? Thanks.




  1. Just be more active. Find something you guys can do together like hiking or walking the dog. Exercise is the only way to maintain your health and body, plus eating healthy.

  2. The easiest way to stay healthy to eat right and excerise.  

    With my oldest daughter I ate a lot of salads afterward, she use to eat somethings off my plate and today she's three years old and her favourite thing is a nice crunchy salad with fresh tomatos and cucumber.

    You need to live by example.  The other three year olds that come here for daycare do not like any veggies and I'm so happy that I was able to introduce a good eatting habit with both my children.  

    Unfortunately, dieting doesn't work because your body just goes into starvation mode and when the diet is finished you'll gain back all that weight even quicker.  The best way to eat healthy is to make healthy choices in the supermarket, skip the chip and cookie isles and stock up on whole grains instead of white.  Preparing meals ahead of time and freezing it or putting it in the fridge is a great time saver that will allow you to eat healthy and quickly too.

    Activities are always a great way to get excerise and have fun.  Hiking, walking, biking are just a few ways to spend some time with one another and have a good time while exercising.  

    The whole idea of losing weight or staying healthy is life style changes.  One off diets won't work and exercising for a month won't work either at least not long term.

    Good luck!

  3. i find the hardest part of staying healthy with a hectic schedule and a baby/toddler, is to plan healthy meals. plan a week ahead to make life easier. for example, on sundays you could have a look at what you'd like to cook that week and do the big shop later that day or alternatively just order online. it takes a while the frist time you do it but it gets easier quick.

    i find quick healthy meals suitable for all 3 of us (me, partner and 14 month old son) on

    there is a section called "cooking on a budget" and it's great. i've used so many recipes from that site and most of them are really simple, healthy and delicious.

    also, make enough to freeze some food so you have something healthy to put on the table those days when there's simply no time to cook.

    otherwise, try and be active. go for family walks, swims...  

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