
Staying in a relationship if you Don't want to marry Him??

by  |  earlier

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I'm dating a very nice guy, care about him very much, but i know that if he asked me to marry him, i would say "no". Is it worth continuing a relationship with someone if you know that you really do not see yourself spending the rest of your life with them?? AKA. Getting married to them?




  1. no

  2. y worry about the future...? enjoy the good things while it last...

  3. If he hasn't asked you to marry him don't assume he will.  There is nothing wrong with being with someone who's company you enjoy.  AS the relationship goes forward, those feelings may change.  My uncle kept telling the redhead up the street he was gonna marry her and she kept telling him she hated him and they have been married about 37 years.

  4. Stop leading him on tell him how you feel and you will probably have a mutual break up.

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