
Staying up, in bed?

by  |  earlier

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okay my parents want me to go to bed early,

cause i wake up early,

so i go to bed at like 9.30 and i wake up at 7.

so they dont lemme go to bed later,

and i wanna proove them i can wake up late,

but they dont want.

so i wanna stay in my bed, and do something.. while that time,

but idk what to do.

i have no video game,

no books.

i was thinking to go downstairs around 11. when my parents are in bed, and go on the computer, but im scared they hear me. what should i do.

ideas woulds be wonderful ;D

plus if i go to bed late late. ill wake up late late =D




  1. while your upstairs theres not much you can do...

    maybe just like stare at the ceiling till 11 lol

    then go downstairs and get on the computer

    just be careful and quite

    itll prolly be fine

  2. i moved out at 16 and i stayed up so late, i often never slept, I only slept like 4 nights a week and then only 5 or 6 hours per night. i have all sorts of growth diseases. now. they say because i learned at age 8-9 not go bed early is what caused this.

    kids going to bed late is unhealthier than smoking, says my doctor.

  3. wow how can u have no books?? lol just day dream or stare at the ceiling. or draw

  4. masturbation masturbation and urrrrm masturbation

  5. well, you could draw, or organize your clothes, or think of school starting, if you aren't too loud and have a radio you would turn it on. Also, you can exercise, like doing sit ups and push ups, crunches, that sort of thing. It will help you tire out and sleep longer too.

  6. sneakin down stairs is a great idea, but i dont see why you would want to prove to them that you can stay up late. Just drink a bunch of caffine before you go to bed :P watch a movie, dont read... you might fall asleep.. talk on the phone?

    i say goin to bed early is a good thing, otherwise it becomes a bad habbit staying up late. and its not good :P

  7. Benjamin Franklin came up with this one.....

    "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise".

    He was a pretty smart dude, other than nearly frying himself playing with kites in the rain, he was also a statesman and a founding father of the United States.   He invented a bunch of stuff, and was rather wealthy and very wise.

    So, going to bed early and getting up early is a great way to stay ahead of the game.  Don't fight it.

    ( I read a book a few years ago about these nomads running around in the Sahara desert.  They go to bed when it gets dark, they get up when it gets light, and they live an incredibly long time.... as in one guy in the book told about getting married to his second wife during WWII and he was still going strong [and having kids] 60 years later)

  8. wow i go to bed @ 2;30 and wake up @ 6;30...~xoxo ally*

  9. Drink a redbull.
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