
Stcw and imo white list?

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I have a friend who has a 200 ton n/c license who took STCW training in Honduras but the U.S. Coast Guard will not recognize it as valid,even though Honduras is on the IMO WHITELIST. does anyone know if it should be accepted or not?




  1. The STCW training has to match his license. If he has a US license, he has to take STCW training in the US, approved by the USCG. This is not a Chinese menu. The STCW training requirements are different in each "white list" country.I had to take 380 hours of additional classroom training to retain my unlimited master's license for foreign voyages while my counterparts in the UK just had to ask for the STCW and it was given to them by the UK Dept. of Trade.

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