
Std's and TB, exist in the U.S. because of immigrants from thirld world countries.?

by  |  earlier

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.... I went to a training in my office (run by the agency's nurse) and she said that STD's and TB exist and present themselves in the U.S. BECAUSE of immigration from thirld world countries.

I have serious issues with her statement on different levels. I have not been able to get info on this issue, and I think that is something very ignorant to say. People usually get tested for diseases when they want to apply for a US VISA and they live in high risk areas, so why would she say that?




  1. OMG! who the h**l thinks and talks like that except a dumb ***. The main reason that she has said that is "she is either ignorant or a racist". In any of these cases, she does not have the right to train others. I think you should report this matter to her boss or the person in charge.

  2. Why would she say that?

    Because she is ignorant.

    Because she is a bigot.

    Because she is afraid of people who are different than her.

    Because it lets her feel superior.

    Because it lets her blame her own STD on "those people" instead of on her own poor choices.

    Who knows?  The important thing is that you know that she is wrong.  I would suggest that you write a letter to someone asking (not complaining, just asking) about this.

    I would

    a) be very very polite in my letter.  "My father was an immigrant and I am curious .. "  

    b) ask for clarification.  "I'd not heard these statistics before and since they are not in our study materials, I would really like to know where they come from so that I can be sure I'm giving out the right information."

    c) copy not only your boss and her boss, but whoever scheduled the training, and anyone else you can think of who might get outraged and do something about this.

    Good for you for being concerned.

  3. Because she is an a** hole and she is discriminating which is wrong stds and tb exist in the U.S. Because of nasty a** people that sleep around and have unprotected s*x with people they don't know or from people that are not honest and get married to people without telling their parners they have something so it ends up spreading maybe she is saying that because she got an std from a freakin immigrant

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