
Stealing Off My Facebook!?

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I have posted photos of my friends and I in primary school which are years old. My mum used to take alot of photos of us at school assemblies but the other mums ddin't bother, so 8 years later my mum is the only one to have these photos. A friend on facebook, who used to go to my school, is on one of these photos with me, and yesterday without consulting me, took the picture off my profile, chopped my face off and put the picture of herself as her profile picture. shall i say something? i was quite angry at the fact she never asked.




  1. Well it is her photo so by legal guide lines you don't have the rights to put her photo on the web with out consulting her, because she was a minor in that picture. and its her picture too not just yours. It would be different if she took the whole picture with you in it, but no it was just a picture of her.

    Edit and by her photo i mean she in that photo too so you don't have right to put her photo on the internet with out her saying its okay. Like lets say you have a 9 year old daughter and a mom took a picture of your to girls and posted it on face book and you saw that and didn't approve of it you could ask her to crop your daughter out, because she has to ask for promission.

  2. If it really upset you, then yes. You should say something to her about it.

  3. Once you post a picture on facebook it becomes public. Sorry, this is all in the terms and conditions when signing up. I would just ask her though.

  4. LMAO whiners are weeners girl get over it, f/b is a public thing if you dont want people using your photos dont put them on there or dont add your so called friend.......

  5. This is a very normal - people think u have put those photos on the site to share.

    Honestly its not worth another thought.

    I love seeing photos of myself when I was younger, so i bet ur mate is so pleased to look at them - u should be happy.

    Its all part of the face book fun, i wish my mum took more photos of me and my friends

  6. well it doesn't sound like such a big deal (to me) but it doesn't hurt for you to talk to her about it. you shouldn't ruin a friendship over something as silly as this.

  7. You said that person is a 'friend'.  So just get over it, it's just a photo.  But it is rude of that person to cut your face off.

  8. You would have had to of tagged her in the photo and thus you practically gave her permission to use it.  My cousin tried to get one of my pics off of facebook and she could not because I had not tagged her in the photo.  

  9. Once something is on the Internet it is impossible to stop people from taking copies. If you don't have a copyright on the pic or have something across the front claiming ownership there isn't really anything you can do.

    Why not just share?

  10. Facebook is a public domain. Anything you put on it is open to the public to do with as they please.

    Honestly she is in the right and you are in the wrong. Even though she took the picture from your page she did take your face off. She doesn't have your permission to post a picture of you. You however posted a picture of her without her permission.

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