
Stealing advice/help?

by  |  earlier

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my friend told me these steps to shop lifting.

1. che for cams. 2. check how many people work there. 3. see where they are. 4. see f there are customers around you. 5. rip out the tag. 6. rip the thingy that sets of the alarm. 7. make sure no one notices you got it. 8. leave and act like nothing happened. 9. don't talk about stealing in the store. seems hard at first but it's really easy. it all comes down to when you getcought you'l be in less trouble if you don't steal expensicve.but you'll get a warning.

can someone show me a picture of what you need to rip off?! also if this is true... if not give me some advice plz




  1. Ha, ha. You're too funny. Free points. 1

  2. Wow... Your genuine filth. Talking about shop-lifting as if it is socially acceptable.  

  3. lol wow

    even the best shop lifters get caught

    there is now a fine where i live anyways that if you steal your parents or yourself have to pay over a thousand dollars

    and believe me cameras are hidden the people in the store are easy to trick but cameras catch everything and most stores have them

    have fun getting caught!
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