
Stealing at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor - Valencia, CA?

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I'm going to SSHH next week and i want to carry a bag with my personal belongings like cell phone, cash, and camera. If i leave it at a bench while i go on the rides, will people steal my bag?




  1. if your talking about the bench by the coaster seating then no it wont get stolen. but ofcourse if you leave it at a random bench it will.

  2. Hunii, i dont trust SQUAT!   Its sad to say, but we live in a sad world. i used to be so naive...but i got all my credit cards and keys stolen once and didnt even have a way to get home.

    My daughter is just like me!  She lost everything, even the video she had just made , and who would want her personal video of her and her boyfriend?  sad!    i hadda go all the way across the city, (an hour) to Kings Island and pay for the parking lot, etc to get her . AND all her friends!!!

  3. never under estimate this.  Do not let your bag out of your sight.  I was one of the few people that were invited to ride tatsu before it opened to the public.  There were only about 100 people there.  I left my sunglass case, with my car key inside.  On the side behind a trash can.  After riding the ride, it was gone.  Somebody had stolen my sunglass case.  I wasn't mad about losing a 400 dollar pair of sunglasses.  I was mad because I didn't have a key to my car.  I had to pay Newhall Locksmith 500 dollars to have them make me a new key based on a mold from my trunk lock.  

    So please do not leave your personal belonging unattended.  Even though Valencia CA is a safe place, the cliental that visits six flags are not that honest.  Also due to liability reasons, (because somebody probably got their stuff stolen and tried to blame six flags)  you cannot bring a bag with you on the ride.  Even if you just put it off to the side.  You have to rent out a locker.  Which is totally lame.

  4. People will steal anything, anytime. Get a f***y pack type of thing (not an actual f***y pack because that would be uncool) that you can attach to yourself, that closes. Take that with you on the rides or give your bag to someone in your group who might not be going on the ride with you. People will steal a bag of p**p, if they don't know what's in it before they take it.

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