
Stealing stuff out of a car!!?

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My mum's car got broken into last night... the problem is my mum was SURE that she locked her car but the theft seemed to get in without breaking anything. it wasnt a forced entry. is there anyway that someone can get it without breaking a window..... is there an electronic thing that they have these days? is it possible for them to have a car the same and their key works on my mums car?

Thanks in advance





  1. Yeah, its a piece of cake to break into a car without leaving any signs. I do it every day. My customers would get very grumpy if I even left a mark on their cars. Its so easy to do that its not worth breaking a window. Get an alarm.

  2. Don't care what you have for an alarm, if they want to get in your car, they will.

  3. They could have been a criminal that had a lock pick, or they could have done the old "Coat Hanger" trick when they unravel a coat hanger and then they stick it throught the top of the window and unlock the car and then get in. I would suggest that your mom got a car alarm

  4. most would use a "lockout kit". It's the same kit that tow truck drivers use when people have locked their keys in their car. It consists of several different tools, including a slim metal piece that slides between the door and the window, and several different 'pulls' that go into that space and pull up on the locking mechanism from inside the door panel. It's incredibly easy and on most domestic vehicles, takes almost no time.  Neons, cavaliers and cheaper cars tend to be the easiest to break into.

  5. I've done it before with a coat hanger through the side of the door(you hook it onto the lock nub thing and pull, this works on older models) and once with a piece of metal trim to hit the unlock button

    My moms car was also resently broken into as well, but they didn't take anything, because there was nothing to take.

  6. They likely just used a slim jim to get in see sight below.........

  7. the thieves probably used a device like a slim jim on it this way they don't have to break any glass or damage anything on the car,getting an alarm will only scare them off at best if the car s in a hidden area they will still probably get what their after ,and their are what we call smart thieve out their now that have came up with a way to go around alarms,so having one on a car doesn't always insure they wont at least get in the car,i was told a long time ago that locks and alarms was only meant to keep honest people out,a good thief will always find way to get in a car if thew want to,its always been like this,good luck.

  8. depends what kind of car it was. some cars can be broken into very easy using a "slim jim" which is a metal tool that you slide down the outside of one of the front door windows. It grabs a rod that will lift the door lock. So it is possible that it can be broken into with no signs of forced entry. She should report it to the police.

  9. The easiest way to "break" into a car is to pull the top corner of the door out and use a stainless steel ruler or a couple feet of heavy gauge steel wire to press the automatic unlock button. I've done this several times to my car when I locked the keys in the car. Newer cars make this process a bit more difficult. I can do it in 15 seconds to several minutes depending on how difficult it is to pull the door out.

    A typical criminal or locksmith could probably do it in the same amount of time or less since they have done it frequently.

    The best option is to keep valuables out of sight. If someone sees something worth stealing, they are much more likely to break in. A pricey stereo, electronics, or anything else that can grab some quick cash are huge targets. Keep your stuff tucked away. Good spots are a glove compartment, trunk or under a somewhat slobbly placed blanket, towel, or clothing. If they can't see anything of value, they will probably move on to the next car.

  10. if someone wants in they can get in. It doesn't matter what you do there will be a way to thwart it somehow...........

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