
Steamship era question?

by Guest56345  |  earlier

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Are there any steamships from the period of the steamships, (i.e. the Titanic era from around the years of 1890-1920)? Whether they are docked as museums or still in use today




  1. At least in the US Merchant Marine there are proabaly around 40-60 (out of about 250 total in the whole US flagged fleet) steamships still in service. About 25-30 of them are on the Great Lakes and the rest are in deep-sea service. A few are still in service on the inland rivers. For example: The American Queen and the Delta Queen are paddle-wheel steamboats still in active use. They are owned by Majestic America Line, Seattle WA.

    If you want more info on Great Lakes ships try:


  2. there most certainly are! SS TICONDEROGA in Shelburne Vermont is high and dry but you can tour her entire interior from coal bunkers to the bridge. She was a lake steamer sort of a mini liner. As for ocean liners no except for the RMS Queen Mary in long Beach California. She was built in 1938. There are warships from that era USS Olympia a protected cruiser built in 1896 or so she was flagship of US forces in the war of 1898 against Spain. USS Texas in the state of Texas she was built in 1912 but was modernized for her WW2 duty. There are several such ships in museums like the Intrepid air and space museum. California has several museums with tugs from that era.

  3. Yep, on lake Muskoka, ON.  SS Segwun and SS wenonah have been restored, and ply the lakes from May to October.  Check out

  4. There is a stearn wheeler in a moat in downtown LeClaire, Iowa

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