
Stella Kate or Stella Grace?

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We decided on Stella for our fourth child's name, but I have been a bit undecided over the whole middle name thing. Can you help please?

I also like Stella Rae. But considered Stella Rae Grace, but is that over kill (having 2 middle names)?

I am due the end of September...any input I'd really appreciate at this point!!!!





  1. LOVE the name Stella!!!

    I do think Stella Rae Grace is overkill. To me it takes away from the beauty of the name. I do really like:

    Stella Grace

    Stella Claire

    Stella Sinclaire

    Stella Wren

    Hope this helps

    = )

  2. Well I like Stella Rae :) But if you want Stella Kate or Stella Grace, I choose Stella Grace :)


  3. I think Stella Grace sounds better. I also think that Stella became very popular after Tori Spelling named her child that, but to each their own. Also I think Rae is way over used and in my opinion sounds like a hillbilly name.

  4. I asked my husband...he said 'it's up to you', so here I am.

    I decided on Stella long before Tori Spelling had her baby girl!!! I was surprised she named her Stella.

    But , it did not change my mind about the name..I love it. I know it's old fashioned- so i kinda thought Stella Kate would bring it more up to date, no?? Stella Grace is pretty.... it goes. I mean, what name doesn't Grace go with?!!? LOL! I can see where it is common though.

    Stella Rae Grace, I really like the sound of it...but my other kids don't have 2 middle names...

    My  other good friend just used Catherine as her daughter's middle name sooooo i am trying to stay away from it.

    thanks for all the input so far!!


  5. I think Stella Isabella sounds so cute but maybe not so cute as an adult!Stella Grace and Stella Rae sound pretty. Some suggestions are

    Stella Brynn

    Stella Marie

    Stella Elaine

    Stella Annalise

    Stella Aubrey

    Stella Amelia

    Stella Vivienne

    Stella Brielle

    Stella Rose

    Stella Anna

    Stella Lucia

    Stella Aria

    Stella Marlee

    Stella Eloise

    Good luck!

  6. I LOVE Stella Grace.It has a nice ring to it.Congratulations and good luck!

  7. Stella Kate, but Stella Catherine would be much better.

    Since Kate is more of a nickname.

    Grace is overused as a middle.

    Rae is masculine.

  8. stella grace .

  9. Stella Kate- Its sweet and spunky and the same time. I really like this combo!

  10. Stella Kate most definitely.

    Grace is so filler and dull as a middle.

    Stella is lovely though.

  11. Stella Grace

  12. Stella Kate. Don't do the two middles.

  13. I like Stella Grace. I don't think having 2 middle names would be over kill as you called it. I love Stella Rae Grace. Congrats to you and good luck!

  14. Both my kids have 2 middle names. One likes it one doesn't. I think it also depends on your last name, if its long 1 middle name is enough, short 2 would be okay. What about Stella Rae Kate. That's my fav.

  15. Im so JELIOUS!! I want to name my baby girl STELLA but no one wanted me to change it after we already decided on OLIVIA... I love the name stella, umm I would go for Stella Rae Grace i like that. Also i always like Stella Marie.. just an idea! Good luck!!!

  16. Stella Kate!

  17. I love the name Stella, it reminds me of a princess.

    I would go with Stella Kate.

    It flows better and Grace is overused as a middle name.


  18. i like Stella Grace much better. Stella Grace has a certain kind of sophistication to it, and Stella Kate just doesnt. i don't like Stella Rae Grace. it doesnt sound right. i dont think 2 middle names is overkill, i just dont think Rae and Grace sound good together since they are both one syllable.

    good luck =)

  19. Stella Grace is sweet - it has a nice sound to it.

    (speaking of two middle names - it can be done - my brother and my daughter both have two middle names and it worked out well for them - nice sound and you get to include more nods to family members or what have you)

  20. Stella Marie

    Stella Bryn

    Stella Anne

  21. Just a suggestion...Stella Cathrine

  22. Stella Kate

  23. i really like stella grace..very pretty,congrats!!!

  24. omg what date are you due because my birthday is the 30th!!!

    oops a bit off topic, i LOVE Stella Kate!!


    congrats :)

  25. What about Stella Katherine? :)

  26. Stella Rae sounds like futuristic weaponry.  

    Stella Kate, please.

  27. I like Stella Kate. But shouldn't you and your husband/boyfriend decide this?

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