Ok I'm a huge animal lover. I've been a flexetarian all my life and became a laco-vegetarian about a year ago. I don't like to use products that were tested on animals so I'm really against the whole animal testing. Well a few days ago I was haveing a conversation with my older sister (she's work at a medical center) and I was telling her how much I disslike those that do animal testing, she then reply by saying that she might have to participate in some animal testing. I guess the center that she works at whats to test for stem cell on animasl, yes I know that this can be beneficial for people that are paralyzed or have no limbs, but I do still think that testing on animals (doesn't matter what kind of testing it is)is still cruel and inhumane. So does anyone else think that stem cell testing on animal in cruel? Please explain why you think it is or isn't. Thanks