
Step by step 180 ollies?

by  |  earlier

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ive been skating for about a month and a half now. can someone explain step by step how to do a 180 ollie? i can do and ollie clean now so thats not a problem. thanks




  1. alright... i had a 180 problem too but its not that hard... its just like a regular ollie except you spin your body and follow through.

  2. Alright for a frontside 180 which is turning to the side your back is facing...

    1) obviously you have to ollie (ollie HIGH), but before you do tilt your front shoulder like 30 degrees the opposite way you will be turning. Your feet should be in the same position as an ollie(it's like winding up)

    2) once you ollie you are going to spin your shoulder fast in the direction you are spinning.

    3) Your shoulders will only spin the board a little bit, your feet will finish off the move. This is really importaint to get the trick** you will be slightly turned at this point, next thing to do is push your back foot the rest of the way around.

    4) Now you Land, **KEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR BOARD!** most common mistake is leaning to far to the back of your board and you shoot sucks. So keep center but lean slightly in the direction of your back (so you don't get off balance)

    I would suggest trying it in the grass first (motionless) then on pavement (motionless) and from there do it at a slow pace, and keep building it up until its slick as buttuh.

    Hope this helps, keep skating and don't give up on the trick, all tricks take time.

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