
Step by step on how to worm a horse?

by  |  earlier

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i have to do a power ponit on how to worm a horse but i dont no HOW to worm a horse i had no chose in the topic so yer if any one can help THANK YOU!!!!




  1. 1. Remove cap on syringe.

    2. Set proper doseage by horse's weight. (gauge is on plunger)

    3. Slide syringe into the corner of the mouth, between cheek and

        gums, and all the way to the back of the mouth  

    4. Depress plunger completely.

    5. Hold horse's head up and massage under jaw as you check to see

        if he swallows....keep his head up until he does.

    I feed my arm under the chin strap of a loose halter to hold the horse when I do it....but I trust my horses not to rear or do anything to injure my arm.

    The whole thing takes seconds...I don't let them see the syringe until I'm already inserting it into the mouth.It is important to keep it at the side between the gum and cheek, and not hit the tongue until it is all the way back in the mouth, or the horse will be able to taste it, and will try to spit it out.

  2. First use the correct word. You deworm a horse not give it worms.You have a choise of putting pellets on his feed which is limited as to what kind of dewormer you can use.or giving him paste dewormers by mouth.Each tube of dewormer comes with notched weight measure up to a thousand pounds.Example If your horse weighs 800 pounds you you give him that measured amound for his weight.Stand at your horses shoulder, your right shoulder next to his.Facing foward as he is and put your right hand under his chin sliding your hand to the top of his nose to steady him and keeping him from whacking you in the face.Talk to him to ease his mind.Put the tube in the corner of his mouth with your left hand  as far back as you can get it in and press the plunger of the tube of dewormer.Never ever stand in front of a horse,in a split second he could run over top of you.Always stand to his side.The old fashioned way was to have a veterinarian "tube" him or called also a"drench".Medication put in a bucket and the vet.put a long rubber tube in his nose to his stomach and pumped the liquid dewormer into his stomach,If the vet missed and went in the wrong way the horse died as the liquid went into his lungs.The groom held the horse with a lead line/shank around his nose or used a twitch as some horses were pretty violent about the whole thing.The paste is much much better. Modern Veterinary Science is a good thing.Safer for horse and people.

  3. Im guessing you are wanting to know how to deworm with a paste. The best way is to have someone show you. It will allow you to understand the topic well enough to answer questions.

    Eveyone has their own methods to keep from getting the paste spit on them. No two ways will be the same.

  4. If you're doing it with the tubes it is very simple. Use one of those weight measure things to find the horse's weight, then set the worming tube to that weight, then you begin.

    Hold the horse by it's headcollar or leadrope (leadrope is usually safer), then stick the tube in the horse's mouth, being careful not to poke the roof of the mouth, which can hurt. Quickly squeeze it in, then have some hard feed in a feed bowl to give to the horse afterwards to get rid of the taste.

    It really is something you need to see to understand though. If you know any people who have horses, ask if you can watch them worm their horse(s), and maybe have a go yourself. Watch everything they do, and it'll be far more helpful than people explaining in writing how to do it.

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