
Step dad is making me..?

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I'm only 13 I've never done "chores" before in my life and now my new step dad is making me and my sister do chores the kind of chores that a guy shouldn't be doing like cleaning, laundry, etc. we started yesterday and I didn't do any so my sister did mine and hers and told him I did them and I went along with it so was I wrong for letting her do them? and how can I get out of doing it without my sister having to do them?




  1. Chores will help u kinda get a worth ethic i use to hate cleaning but your also help ur family and you will feel better about helping ur mom.

  2. Who's going to do your laundry when you grow up?

  3. u cant... if ur step dad is making u do it than do it. dont make ur sister do it thats just ignorant

  4. wow thats selfish you wont help around the house. Everyone does chores that I know. Dont be surprised your 13 and you JUST started doing it.

  5. don't get out of doing them. most people do chores...suck it up. its not the end of the world. not trying to be harsh, but you kind of sound really spoiled and bratty. and don't make your sister do it - that's really selfish

  6. He's not your Dad so you can just say no. I never took anything seriously my Step-Dad told me to do and my mom never enforced it either.

  7. well i think u should do chores helps give u responbility

  8. Just do your chores. It doesn't matter if he's your dad or step dad, you have to respect him. Later on if you live on your own you'll have to do everything for yourself anyway - It's better that you learn now.

  9. What century are you living in? Of course guys do cleaning and laundry. How else are you going to learn how? What happens when you move out of your parents' house -- who do you think will do those things for you?

    Everybody does chores, and if you've managed to live 13 years without doing them, you're d**n lucky. Suck it up, and don't make your sister cover for you.

  10. play the "YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!" usually works.

  11. i would be like f**k you your not my dad

  12. no, if she willingly did them

    try and paid your sister to do them this way she get money and does not feel like your useing her and the work gets done

  13. Just do your d**n chores you lazy little s**+*t

  14. just do them. you're gonna have to know how to when you go to college anyway.

  15. your kinda out of luck. as long as your living under his roof you got to listen til your 18. and yeah thats wrong for making your sister do them. do your own. thats rude!

  16. Zane, there are not gender specific chores.  All the people who live in the house ought to participate in keeping it clean.  You wear clothing therefore you need to know how to clean them.  Why should others do all the work. Your step-dad obviously believes in family participation in household chores.  I have a feeling there are a lot of other issues.  Maybe instead of fighting, try to find positive things.  Your sister obviously wants you all to be a family.  He could be really important in your life.  When you grow up you may well live on your own for a while and you need to know how to cook and clean and do laundry.  Give this a chance okay?

  17. Chores build character.

    You want to be a self sufficient human being, right?

    If you never learn to clean after yourself or do your laundry then you will be a lazy and messy person your whole life.

    (Just a sneak peak: Women don't usually go for lazy and messy men in their 20's and 30's)

    If you don't learn now you never will learn.  Work before play, don't fight it just bite the bullet and do it...and everyone is happy afterward.

    Trust us, you thank us later.

  18. i don't think it was necessarily wrong of you to have her do it but you could make it up to her by helping her out with some of the things she has to do. i don't know how you can get out of them, trust me i try to all the time. lol. my only suggestion is to procrastinate but all that would do is get you in trouble. your best bet is to trade off some of your chores with your sister and see if there are any you would rather do of hers and vice versa. i hope i could help a little. ^-^

  19. Haha, wow that's deep.

    Kill him and he wont be making you do anythinggggg.

  20. You could ask for an allowance. It would make it worth doing. Also, there is not 'guy jobs' or 'girl jobs'. I guess your not really wrong for letting her do them but if she didn't want to and you some how made than you would be wrong for that. I don't see why that would be a problem as long as they get done. I think chores teach responsibility and you might be glad you did them when you get to colleage or your living on your own so you will have some experiance with it.  

  21. Of course you were wrong in letting your sister do them. Those chores were your responsibility. It's totally uncool to shirk responsibility, and it's worse to let somebody else do your work and then take the credit for it.

    Besides, who says boys shouldn't learn how to clean and do laundry? Your mom isn't always going to be there to do it for you. One day you will be out on your own, and if you don't learn now, you will be living in a pig sty and all of your whites will be pink because you didn't know how to do your laundry right.

    Buck up buddy. Your stepdad is doing a great thing for you.

  22. From one kid to another, if were being completly honest here.

    I would just be like

    No, you aren't my dad.

    If any of my parents got remarried I would make their lives a living h**l.

    And I'm very good at that =]

    Or I would just be like bye and move in with the other unmarried parent.

    Your sisters pretty awesome for doing your chores for you.

    But those aren't girls chores, you live in the house to. Would you want your friends to come over and see that your house is

    not clean?

    Well I would just do them if I were you. Or clean the garage and take out the garbage if you think those are more "manly" chores.

    Good luck.

  23. You poor thing you have never had to do laundry before and your a big 13! WOW spoiled brat. Here is what you do you get up off your rump and learn to respect your step father and do what he told you to do while you are living or staying at his home. And then you raise your hands up and say "Thank you God for giving me a step father that cares enough to attempt to teach me some responsibility and work ethics."

    My six year old does chores!

  24. Doing chores is perfectly natural for any kid.  I started doing all of the chores you were asked to do at the age of 11.  You will need to know how to do these things when you get older because no one will be there to do it for you when become an adult.  Props to stepdad for looking out for your future.

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